Integration of Cucumber with Selenium and JUnit4


As we know, Cucumber is a BDD Tool and Selenium Webdriver is used for the automation of web applications. Imagine we need to build a test framework that can be used by businesses to understand the test scenarios and as well can test the web application. This can be achieved by integrating Cucumber with Selenium.

In this tutorial, I’ll create a BDD Framework for the testing of web applications using Selenium Webdriver.

Table of Contents

Dependency List:

  1. Cucumber – 7.14.0
  2. Java 17
  3. JUnit – 4.13.2
  4. Maven – 3.9.5
  5. Selenium – 4.15.0

Implementation Steps

The above steps are explained in detail.

Step 1- Download and Install Java

Cucumber and Selenium need Java to be installed on the system to run the tests. Click here to know How to install Java.

Step 2 – Download and setup Eclipse IDE on the system

The Eclipse IDE (integrated development environment) provides strong support for Java developers. The Eclipse IDE for Java Developers distribution is designed to support standard Java development. It includes support for the Maven and Gradle build system and support for the Git version control system. Click here to know How to install Eclipse.

Step 3 – Setup Maven

To build a test framework, we need to add a number of dependencies to the project. It is a very tedious and cumbersome process to add each dependency manually. So, to overcome this problem, we use a build management tool. Maven is a build management tool that is used to define project structure, dependencies, build, and test management. Click here to know How to install Maven.

Step 4 – Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin (Only for Eclipse)

The cucumber plugin is an Eclipse plugin that allows eclipse to understand the Gherkin syntax. When we are working with cucumber we will write the feature files that contain Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then, And, But, Tags, Scenario Outline, and Examples. By default, eclipse doesn’t understand these keywords so it doesn’t show any syntax highlighter. Cucumber Eclipse Plugin highlights the keywords present in Feature File. Refer to this tutorial to get more detail – How to setup Cucumber with Eclipse.

Step 5 – Create a new Maven Project

Click here to know How to create a Maven project

Below is the Maven project structure. Here,

Group Id – org.example
Artifact Id – Cucumber_JUnit4_Demo
Version – 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Package – cucumber

Maven Dependency (pom.xml) looks like something shown below for a new Maven project.

Step 6 – Create source folder src/test/resources

When a new Maven Project is created, it has 2 folders – src/main/java and src/test/java. To create test scenarios, we need a new source folder called – src/test/resources. To create this folder, Right-click on your Maven project ->select New ->Java, and then Source Folder. The Feature file is created in the src/test/resources source folder.

Mention the source folder name as src/test/resources and click the Next button. This will create a source folder under your new Maven project, as shown in the below image.

Step 7 – Add Selenium and Cucumber dependencies to the project

Add the below-mentioned Selenium and Cucumber dependencies to the project.





    <!-- Selenium -->

    <!-- JUnit4 -->

Step 8 – Add Maven Compiler Plugin

The compiler plugin is used to compile the source code of a Maven project. This plugin has two goals, which are already bound to specific phases of the default lifecycle:

  • compile – compile main source files
  • testCompile – compile test source files

The complete pom.xml will look like the below image

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""







    <!-- Selenium -->

    <!-- JUnit4 -->


Step 9 – Create a feature file (LoginPage.feature)

Feature file should be saved as an extension of .feature. Add the test scenarios in this feature file. I have added sample test scenarios. In this feature file, I have created a scenario for successful login and another one for a failed login. The test scenarios are written in the Gherkins language. A feature file contains all the test scenarios and is placed in src/test/resources/features.

Feature: Login to HRM Application 

   Scenario: Login with valid credentials
    Given User is on Home page
    When User enters username as "Admin"
    And User enters password as "admin123"
    Then User should be able to login sucessfully
   Scenario: Login with invalid credentials
    Given User is on Home page
    When User enters username as "username"
    And User enters password as "password"
    Then Login will be unsuccessfull with error message "Invalid credentials"

Step 10 – Create the step definition class

The StepDefinition class is created in src/test/java. The StepDefinition class contains the test code corresponding to the steps of Test Scenario in the Feature File.

It is recommended to create a package with a name such as org.example.cucumber.stepdefinitions in src/test/java and create the step definition java file corresponding to the feature files in that package

package org.example.definitions;

import java.time.Duration;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;


public class LoginStepdefinitions {

	WebDriver driver;
    public void setUp() {

        ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
        driver = new ChromeDriver(options);

    @Given("User is on Home page")
    public void userOnHomePage() {
    @When("User enters username as {string}")
    public void entersUsername(String userName)  {
        System.out.println("Username Entered");
    @When("User enters password as {string}")
    public void entersPassword(String passWord)  {
        System.out.println("Password Entered");
    @Then("User should be able to login sucessfully")
    public void sucessfullLogin()  {
    	 String homePageHeading = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@class='oxd-topbar-header-breadcrumb']/h6")).getText();

         //Verify new page - HomePage
    @Then("Login will be unsuccessfull with error message {string}")
    public void unsucessfullLogin(String expectedErrorMessage)  {
    	 String actualErrorMessage = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@class='orangehrm-login-error']/div[1]/div[1]/p")).getText();

         // Verify Error Message
         Assert.assertEquals( expectedErrorMessage, actualErrorMessage);
    public void teardown() {


Step 11 – Create a Cucumber Runner class under src/test/java

It is recommended to create a package with a name such as org.example.cucumber.runner in src/test/java and create the CucumberRunnerTest (Runner) java file corresponding to that package.

We need to create a class called Runner class to run the tests. This class will use the JUnit annotation @RunWith(), which tells JUnit what is the test runner class.

package org.example.cucumber.runner;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;

@CucumberOptions(features = {
        "src/test/resources/features/LoginPage.feature" }, glue = "org.example.cucumber.definitions")
public class CucumberRunnerTest {


Step 12 – Test Execution through JUnit

Go to Runner class and right-click Run As JUnit. The tests will run as JUnit tests.

Step 13 – Run the tests from Command Line

Run the below command in the command prompt to run the tests and to get the test execution report.

mvn clean test

Step 14 – Cucumber Report Generation

To get Cucumber Test Reports, add under src/test/resources and add the below instruction in the file


Below is the image of the Cucumber Report generated using the Cucumber Service

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Page Object Model with Selenium, Cucumber and JUnit4

Last Updated On


In this tutorial, I’ll create a Page Object Model Framework for the testing of web applications using Selenium, Cucumber, and JUnit4.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Page Object Model (POM)?
  2. What is Cucumber?
  3. Dependency List
  4. Project Structure
  5. Implementation Steps
    1. Download and Install Java
    2. Download and setup Eclipse IDE on the system
    3. Setup Maven
    4. Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin
    5. Create a new Maven Project
    6. Create source folder src/test/resources to create test scenarios in the Feature file
    7. Add Selenium, JUnit4, and Cucumber dependencies to the project
    8. Add Maven Compiler Plugin and Surefire Plugin
    9. Create a feature file in the src/test/resources directory
    10. Create the classes for locators, actions, and utilities in src/main/java
    11. Create a Java Class called Definition where we will create the Test Code related to Given, When, Then of the Feature file in src/test/java
    12. Create a Hook class to contain the initialization and closing of browser in src/test/java
    13. Create a JUnit Cucumber Runner class to execute the test scenarios in the src/test/java directory
    14. Run the tests from JUnit
    15. Run the tests from Command Line
    16. Cucumber Report Generation

What is Page Object Model (POM)?

The Page Object model is an object design pattern in Selenium, where web pages are represented as classes, the various elements on the page are defined as variables in the class and all possible user interactions can then be implemented as methods in the class.

What is Cucumber?

Cucumber is one such open-source tool, which supports Behavior Driven Development(BDD). In simple words, Cucumber can be defined as a testing framework, driven by plain English. It serves as documentation, automated tests, and development aid – all in one.

Dependency List

  1. Cucumber Java – 7.6.0
  2. Cucumber JUnit4 – 7.6.0
  3. Java 11
  4. Maven – 3.8.6
  5. Selenium – 4.3.0
  6. JUnit – 4.13.2

Project Structure

Implementation Steps

Step 1- Download and Install Java

Cucumber and Selenium need Java to be installed on the system to run the tests. Click here to know How to install Java.

Step 2 – Download and setup Eclipse IDE on the system

The Eclipse IDE (integrated development environment) provides strong support for Java developers. Click here to know How to install Eclipse.

Step 3 – Setup Maven

To build a test framework, we need to add a number of dependencies to the project. Click here to know How to install Maven.

Step 4 – Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin

The cucumber plugin is an Eclipse plugin that allows eclipse to understand the Gherkin syntax. When we are working with cucumber we will write the feature files that contain Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then, And, But, Tags, Scenario Outline, and Examples. By default, eclipse doesn’t understand these keywords so it doesn’t show any syntax highlighter. Cucumber Eclipse Plugin highlights the keywords present in Feature File. Refer to this tutorial to get more detail – How to setup Cucumber with Eclipse.

Step 5 – Create a new Maven Project

To create a new Maven project, go to the File -> New Project-> Maven-> Maven project-> Next -> Enter Group ID & Artifact ID -> Finish.

Click here to know How to create a Maven project

Step 6 – Create source folder src/test/resources to create test scenarios in the Feature file

A new Maven Project is created with 2 folders – src/main/java and src/test/java. To create test scenarios, we need a new source folder called – src/test/resources. To create this folder, right-click on your maven project ->select New ->Java and then Source Folder.

Mention the source folder name as src/test/resources and click the Next button. This will create a source folder under your new Maven project as shown in the below image.

Step 7 – Add Selenium, JUnit4, and Cucumber dependencies to the project

Add below mentioned Selenium, JUnit4, and Cucumber dependencies to the project. I have added WebDriverManager dependency to the POM.xml to download the driver binaries automatically. To know more about this, please refer to this tutorial – How to manage driver executables using WebDriverManager.





		<!-- Selenium -->

		<!-- Web Driver Manager -->

		<!-- JUnit 4 -->

		<!-- Apache Common -->


Step 8 – Add Maven Compiler Plugin and Surefire Plugin

The compiler plugin is used to compile the source code of a Maven project. This plugin has two goals, which are already bound to specific phases of the default lifecycle:

  • compile – compile main source files
  • testCompile – compile test source files

The complete POM.xml looks like as shown below

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">





		<!-- Selenium -->

		<!-- Web Driver Manager -->

		<!-- JUnit 4 -->

		<!-- Apache Common -->



Step 9 – Create a feature file in the src/test/resources directory

Create a folder with name features. Now, create the feature file in this folder. The feature file should be saved with extension .feature. This feature file contains the test scenarios created to test the application. The Test Scenarios are written in Gherkins language in the format of Given, When, Then, And, But.

Below is an example of Test Scenarios in the feature file. I have failed one test scenario intentionally – @MissingUsername.

Feature: Login to HRM Application 

   Given User is on HRMLogin page ""
   Scenario: Login with valid credentials
    When User enters username as "Admin" and password as "admin123"
    Then User should be able to login sucessfully and new page open
   Scenario Outline: Login with invalid credentials
    When User enters username as "<username>" and password as "<password>"
    Then User should be able to see error message "<errorMessage>"
  | username   | password  | errorMessage                      |
  | Admin      | admin12$$ | Invalid credentials               |
  | admin$$    | admin123  | Invalid credentials               |
  | abc123     | xyz$$     | Invalid credentials               |
   Scenario Outline: Login with blank username
    When User enters username as " " and password as "admin123"
    Then User should be able to see a message "Required1" below Username

Step 10 – Create the classes for locators, actions, and utilities in src/main/java

Create a Java Class for each page where define WebElements as variables using Annotation @FindBy. Create another Java class that contains methods for actions performed on WebElements. Here, I’m going to create 2 classes for locators – LoginPageLocators and as well as 2 classes for actions – LoginPageActions and HomePageActions

The Locator class contains WebElements which are identified by @FindBy annotation as shown below:-

@FindBy(name = "txtUsername")
WebElement userName;

Action class contains methods for the action to be performed on the web elements identified in the locator class as shown below:-

public void login(String strUserName, String strPassword) {
           // Fill user name
           // Fill password
           // Click Login button

The initElements is a static method of the PageFactory class that is used to initialize all the web elements located by @FindBy annotation. Only after the WebElements are initialized, they can be used in the methods to perform actions.

public Login(WebDriver driver) {
           this.driver = driver;
           // This initElements method will create all WebElements
           PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);

Below is the sample code of the LoginPageLocators.

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class LoginPageLocators {

	@FindBy(name = "username")
    public WebElement userName;
    @FindBy(name = "password")
    public WebElement password;
    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/form/div[1]/div/span")
    public WebElement missingUsernameErrorMessage;
    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/form/div[3]/button")
    public WebElement login;
    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/p")
    public  WebElement errorMessage;

Below is the sample code for the HomePageLocators.

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class HomePageLocators {

	  @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/h5")
	  public  WebElement homePageUserName;

Create the action classes for each web page. These action classes contain all the methods needed by the step definitions. In this case, I have created 2 action classes – LoginPageActionsHomePageActions 



import com.example.locators.LoginPageLocators;
import com.example.utils.HelperClass;

public class LoginPageActions {

LoginPageLocators loginPageLocators = null; 
    public LoginPageActions() {

    	this.loginPageLocators = new LoginPageLocators();

	// Set user name in textbox
    public void setUserName(String strUserName) {
    // Set password in password textbox
    public void setPassword(String strPassword) {
    // Click on login button
    public void clickLogin() {;
   // Get the error message when username is blank
    public String getMissingUsernameText() {
        return loginPageLocators.missingUsernameErrorMessage.getText();
    // Get the Error Message
    public String getErrorMessage() {
        return loginPageLocators.errorMessage.getText();
    public void login(String strUserName, String strPassword) {
        // Fill user name
        // Fill password
        // Click Login button



import com.example.locators.HomePageLocators;
import com.example.utils.HelperClass;

public class HomePageActions {

	HomePageLocators homePageLocators = null;
    public HomePageActions() {
        this.homePageLocators = new HomePageLocators();
    // Get the User name from Home Page
    public String getHomePageText() {
        return homePageLocators.homePageUserName.getText();

 Create a Helper class where we are initializing the web driver, initializing the web driver wait, defining the timeouts, and creating a private constructor of the class, it will declare the web driver, so whenever we create an object of this class, a new web browser is invoked. 

import java.time.Duration;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;

public class HelperClass {

	 private static HelperClass helperClass;
	    private static WebDriver driver;
	    public final static int TIMEOUT = 10;
	     private HelperClass() {
	        driver = new ChromeDriver();
	    public static void openPage(String url) {
	    public static WebDriver getDriver() {
	        return driver;              
	    public static void setUpDriver() {
	        if (helperClass==null) {
	            helperClass = new HelperClass();
	    public static void tearDown() {
	        if(driver!=null) {
	       helperClass = null;

Now, we need to create the Step Definition of the Feature File –

import org.junit.Assert;

import com.example.actions.ForgotPasswordActions;
import com.example.actions.HomePageActions;
import com.example.actions.LoginPageActions;
import com.example.utils.HelperClass;


public class LoginPageDefinitions {

	LoginPageActions objLogin = new LoginPageActions();
    HomePageActions objHomePage = new HomePageActions();
    @Given("User is on HRMLogin page {string}")
    public void loginTest(String url) {
    @When("User enters username as {string} and password as {string}")
    public void goToHomePage(String userName, String passWord) {
        // login to application
        objLogin.login(userName, passWord);
        // go the next page
    @Then("User should be able to login sucessfully and new page open")
    public void verifyLogin() {
        // Verify home page
        Assert.assertTrue(objHomePage.getHomePageText().contains("Employee Information"));
    @Then("User should be able to see error message {string}")
    public void verifyErrorMessage(String expectedErrorMessage) {
        // Verify home page
    @Then("User should be able to see a message {string} below Username")
    public void verifyMissingUsernameMessage(String message) {

Step 12 – Create a Hook class to contain the initialization and closing of the browser in src/test/java

Create the hook class that contains the Before and After hook to initialize the web browser and close the web browser. I have added the code to take the screenshot of the failed scenario in @After Hook.

import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;

import com.example.utils.HelperClass;


public class Hooks {

    public static void setUp() {


	public static void tearDown(Scenario scenario) {

		//validate if scenario has failed
		if(scenario.isFailed()) {
			final byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) HelperClass.getDriver()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
			scenario.attach(screenshot, "image/png", scenario.getName()); 

Step 13 – Create a JUnit Cucumber Runner class to execute the test scenarios in the src/test/java directory

Cucumber needs a TestRunner class to run the feature files. It is suggested to create a folder with the name of the runner in the src/test/java directory and create the Cucumber TestRunner class in this folder. Below is the code of the Cucumber TestRunner class.

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;

@CucumberOptions(tags = "", features = "src/test/resources/features/LoginPage.feature", glue = "com.example.definitions",
                 plugin = {})
public class CucumberRunnerTests {

Note:- The name of the Runner class should end with Test otherwise we can’t run the tests using Command Line.

Step 14 – Run the tests from JUnit

You can execute the test script by right-clicking on TestRunner class -> Run As JUnit.

Step 15 – Run the tests from the Command Line

Run the below command in the command prompt to run the tests and to get the test execution report.

mvn clean test

Step 16 – Cucumber Report Generation

To get Cucumber Test Reports, add under src/test/resources and add the below instruction in the file.


Below is the image of the Cucumber Report generated using Cucumber Service.

In the above example, as we can see, one of the tests has failed. So, when a test fails, we have written the code to take a screenshot of the failed step. The highlighted box above shows the image of the failed test. You can click on that to see the screenshot.

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Allure Report with Cucumber5, Selenium and JUnit4
 Data Driven Testing using Scenario Outline in Cucumber
How to rerun failed tests in Cucumber
Page Object Model with Selenium, Cucumber, and TestNG
Integration of Cucumber7 with Selenium and JUnit5
How To Create Gradle Project with Cucumber to test Rest API

Cucumber Tutorials


Cucumber Introduction, Installation, and Configuration

Chapter 1  Introduction of Cucumber Testing Tool (BDD Tool)
Chapter 2 How to install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin
Chapter 3 How to setup Cucumber with Eclipse
Chapter 4 Cucumber – What is Gherkin

Cucumber Scenario, Features & Step Definition

Chapter 1 Cucumber – What is Feature File in Cucumber
Chapter 2 Step Definition in Cucumber
Chapter 3 Cucumber – JUnit Test Runner Class

Cucumber – Hooks & Tags

Chapter 1 Hooks in Cucumber
Chapter 2 Tags in Cucumber
Chapter 3 Conditional Hooks in Cucumber
Chapter 4 Background in Cucumber
Chapter 5 Monochrome in Cucumber

Cucumber – Data Driven Testing

Chapter 1 Data Driven Testing using Scenario Outline in Cucumber
Chapter 2 DataTables in Cucumber

Cucumber Integration with Selenium

Chapter 1 Integration of Cucumber with Selenium and JUnit4
Chapter 2 Integration of Cucumber with Selenium and TestNG
Chapter 3 Page Object Model with Selenium, Cucumber and JUnit
Chapter 4 Page Object Model with Selenium, Cucumber, and TestNG
Chapter 5 Integration of Cucumber7 with Selenium and JUnit5
Chapter 6 Run Cucumber7 with JUnit5 Tests from Maven Command Line
Chapter 7 How to rerun failed tests in Cucumber
Chapter 8 Gradle Project with Cucumber, Selenium and TestNG
Chapter 9 Gradle Project with Cucumber, Selenium and JUnit4

Cucumber – Command Line Execution

Chapter 1 Run Cucumber Test from Command Line
Chapter 2 Run Gradle Cucumber Tests from Command Line

Cucumber Integration with Rest API

Chapter 1 Rest API Test in Cucumber BDD
Chapter 2 How To Create Gradle Project with Cucumber to test Rest API

Cucumber Integration with SpringBoot

Chapter 1 Integration Testing of Springboot with Cucumber and JUnit4
Chapter 2 Integration Testing of Springboot with Cucumber and TestNG

Cucumber – Reporting

Chapter 1 Cucumber Tutorial – Cucumber Reports
Chapter 2 Cucumber Report Service
Chapter 3 Implemention of ‘Masterthought’ Reports in Cucumber
Chapter 4 Implemention of ‘Masterthought’ Reports in Cucumber with JUnit4

Cucumber Integration with Allure Reports

Chapter 1 Allure Report with Cucumber5, Selenium and JUnit4
Chapter 2 Allure Report with Cucumber5, Selenium and TestNG
Chapter 3 Integration of Allure Report with Rest Assured and JUnit4
Chapter 4 Integration of Allure Report with Rest Assured and TestNG
Chapter 5 Gradle – Allure Report for Selenium and TestNG

Cucumber Integration with Extent Reports

Chapter 1 ExtentReports Version 5 for Cucumber 6 and TestNG
Chapter 2 How to add Screenshot to Cucumber ExtentReports
Chapter 3 ExtentReports Version 5 for Cucumber 6 and JUnit4
Chapter 4 PDF ExtentReport for Cucumber and TestNG
Chapter 5 ExtentReports Version 5 for Cucumber 7 and TestNG
Chapter 6 Extent Reports Version 5 for Cucumber7 and JUnit5

Cucumber – Parallel Execution

Chapter 1 Parallel Testing in Cucumber with JUnit
Chapter 2 Parallel Testing in Cucumber with TestNG
Chapter 3 Dependency Injection in Cucumber using Pico-Container

Page Object Model with Selenium, Cucumber, and TestNG

Last Updated On


In the previous tutorial, I explained the Page Object Model with Selenium, Cucumber and JUnit. In this tutorial, I’ll create a BDD Framework for the testing of web applications using the Page Object Model with Selenium, Cucumber, and TestNG.

Table of Contents

  1. What Is Page Object Model (POM)?
  2. What is Cucumber?
  3. Dependency List
  4. Project Structure
  5. Implementation Steps
    1. Download and Install Java
    2. Setup Maven
    3. Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin (Only for Eclipse)
    4. Create a new Maven Project
    5. Create source folder src/test/resources to create test scenarios in the Feature file
    6. Add Selenium, TestNG, and Cucumber dependencies to the project
    7. Add Maven Compiler Plugin and Surefire Plugin
    8. Create a feature file in the src/test/resources
    9. Create the classes for locators, actions, and utilities in src/main/java
    10. Create a StepDefinition class in src/test/java
    11. Create a Hook class in src/test/java
    12. Create a TestNG Cucumber Runner class in the src/test/java
    13. Run the tests from TestNG
    14. Run the tests from testng.xml
    15. Run the tests from Command Line
    16. Cucumber Report Generation
    17. TestNG Report Generation

What Is Page Object Model (POM)?

The Page Object model is an object design pattern in Selenium, where web pages are represented as classes, the various elements on the page are defined as variables in the class and all possible user interactions can then be implemented as methods in the class.

What is Cucumber?

Cucumber is one such open-source tool, which supports Behavior Driven Development(BDD). In simple words, Cucumber can be defined as a testing framework, driven by plain English. It serves as documentation, automated tests, and development aid – all in one.

Dependency List

  1. Cucumber Java – 7.14.0
  2. Cucumber TestNG – 7.14.0
  3. Java 11
  4. Maven – 3.8.6
  5. Selenium – 4.14.0
  6. TestNG – 7.8.0
  7. WebDriverManager – 5.5.3

Project Structure

Implementation Steps

Step 1- Download and Install Java

Cucumber and Selenium need Java to be installed on the system to run the tests. Click here to learn How to install Java.

Step 2 – Setup Maven

To build a test framework, we need to add a number of dependencies to the project. Click here to learn How to install Maven.

Step 3 – Install Cucumber Eclipse Plugin (Only for Eclipse)

The cucumber plugin is an Eclipse plugin that allows eclipse to understand the Gherkin syntax. When we are working with cucumber we will write the feature files that contain Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then, And, But, Tags, Scenario Outline, and Examples. By default, eclipse doesn’t understand these keywords so it doesn’t show any syntax highlighter. Cucumber Eclipse Plugin highlights the keywords present in Feature File. Refer to this tutorial to get more detail – How to setup Cucumber with Eclipse.

Step 4 – Create a new Maven Project

To create a new Maven project, go to the File -> New Project-> Maven-> Maven project-> Next -> Enter Group ID & Artifact ID -> Finish.

Click here to learn How to create a Maven project.

Step 5 – Create source folder src/test/resources to create test scenarios in the Feature file

A new Maven Project is created with 2 folders – src/main/java and src/test/java. To create test scenarios, we need a new source folder called – src/test/resources. To create this folder, right-click on test directory ->select New ->Directory, and then it shows Maven Source Directories as resources as shown below.

Double-click on the resources directory and a new source directory under your new Maven project is created as shown in the below image.

Step 6 – Add Selenium, TestNG, and Cucumber dependencies to the project

Add below mentioned Selenium, TestNG, and Cucumber dependencies to the project. I have added WebDriverManager dependency to the POM.xml to download the driver binaries automatically. To know more about this, please refer to this tutorial – How to manage driver executables using WebDriverManager.

        <!-- Selenium -->
        <!-- Web Driver Manager -->
        <!-- TestNG -->
        <!-- Apache Common -->

Step 7 – Add Maven Compiler Plugin and Surefire Plugin

The compiler plugin is used to compile the source code of a Maven project. This plugin has two goals, which are already bound to specific phases of the default lifecycle:

  • compile – compile main source files
  • testCompile – compile test source files

The complete POM.xml looks like as shown below

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

        <!-- Selenium -->
        <!-- Web Driver Manager -->
        <!-- TestNG -->
        <!-- Apache Common -->

Step 8 – Create a feature file in the src/test/resources

Create a folder with name features. Now, create the feature file in this folder. The feature file should be saved with the extension .feature. This feature file contains the test scenarios created to test the application. The Test Scenarios are written in Gherkins language in the format of Given, When, Then, And, But.

Below is an example of Test Scenarios in the feature file. I have failed one test scenario intentionally – @MissingUsername.

Feature: Login to HRM Application 

   Given User is on HRMLogin page ""
   Scenario: Login with valid credentials
    When User enters username as "Admin" and password as "admin123"
    Then User should be able to login successfully and new page open
   Scenario Outline: Login with invalid credentials
    When User enters username as "<username>" and password as "<password>"
    Then User should be able to see error message "<errorMessage>"
  | username   | password  | errorMessage                      |
  | Admin        | admin12$$ | Invalid credentials               |
  | admin$$    | admin123  | Invalid credentials               |
  | abc123       | xyz$$     | Invalid credentials                    |
   Scenario Outline: Login with blank username
    When User enters username as " " and password as "admin123"
    Then User should be able to see a message "Required1" below Username

Step 9 – Create the classes for locators, actions, and utilities in src/main/java

Create folders – actions, locators, and utils in src/main/java.

Create a Java Class for each page where define WebElements as variables using Annotation @FindBy. Create another Java class that contains methods for actions performed on WebElements. Here, I’m going to create 2 classes for locators – LoginPageLocators and HomePageLocators as well as 2 classes for actions – LoginPageActions and HomePageActions

The Locator class contains WebElements which are identified by @FindBy annotation as shown below:-

@FindBy(name = "txtUsername")
WebElement userName;

Action class contains methods for the action to be performed on the web elements identified in the locator class.

The initElements is a static method of PageFactory class that is used to initialize all the web elements located by @FindBy annotation. Only after the WebElements are initialized, they can be used in the methods to perform actions.

public Login(WebDriver driver) {
           this.driver = driver;
           // This initElements method will create all WebElements
           PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);

Below is the sample code of the LoginPageLocators.

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class LoginPageLocators {

	@FindBy(name = "username")
    public WebElement userName;
    @FindBy(name = "password")
    public WebElement password;
    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/form/div[1]/div/span")
    public WebElement missingUsernameErrorMessage;
    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/form/div[3]/button")
    public WebElement login;
    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/p")
    public  WebElement errorMessage;

Below is the sample code for the HomePageLocators.

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class HomePageLocators {

	  @FindBy(xpath = "//span[@class='oxd-topbar-header-breadcrumb']/h6")
	  public  WebElement homePageUserName;

Create the action classes for each web page. These action classes contain all the methods needed by the step definitions. In this case, I have created 2 action classes – LoginPageActionsHomePageActions 


import org.example.locators.LoginPageLocators;
import org.example.utils.HelperClass;

public class LoginPageActions {

    LoginPageLocators loginPageLocators = null;

    public LoginPageActions() {

        this.loginPageLocators = new LoginPageLocators();


    // Get the error message when username is blank
    public String getMissingUsernameText() {
        return loginPageLocators.missingUsernameErrorMessage.getText();

    // Get the Error Message
    public String getErrorMessage() {
        return loginPageLocators.errorMessage.getText();

    public void login(String strUserName, String strPassword) {

        // Fill user name

        // Fill password

        // Click Login button;



import org.example.locators.HomePageLocators;
import org.example.utils.HelperClass;

public class HomePageActions {

    HomePageLocators homePageLocators = null;

    public HomePageActions() {

        this.homePageLocators = new HomePageLocators();

    // Get the User name from Home Page
    public String getHomePageText() {
        return homePageLocators.homePageUserName.getText();


 Create a Helper class where we are initializing the web driver, initializing the web driver wait, defining the timeouts, and creating a private constructor of the class, it will declare the web driver, so whenever we create an object of this class, a new web browser is invoked. 

package com.example.utils;

import java.time.Duration;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;

public class HelperClass {

	 private static HelperClass helperClass;
	    private static WebDriver driver;
	    public final static int TIMEOUT = 5;
	     private HelperClass() {
			ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
	        driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
	    public static void openPage(String url) {
	    public static WebDriver getDriver() {
	        return driver;              
	    public static void setUpDriver() {
	        if (helperClass==null) {
	            helperClass = new HelperClass();
	    public static void tearDown() {
	        if(driver!=null) {
	       helperClass = null;

Step 10 – Create a StepDefinition class in src/test/java

Create a Java Class called Definition where we will create the Test Code related to the Given, When, Then of Feature file in src/test/java.

Now, we need to create the Step Definition of the Feature File –

import org.example.actions.HomePageActions;
import org.example.actions.LoginPageActions;
import org.example.utils.HelperClass;
import org.testng.Assert;

public class LoginPageDefinitions {

    LoginPageActions objLogin = new LoginPageActions();
    HomePageActions objHomePage = new HomePageActions();

    @Given("User is on HRMLogin page {string}")
    public void loginTest(String url) {



    @When("User enters username as {string} and password as {string}")
    public void goToHomePage(String userName, String passWord) {

        // login to application
        objLogin.login(userName, passWord);

        // go the next page


    @Then("User should be able to login successfully and new page open")
    public void verifyLogin() {

        // Verify home page


    @Then("User should be able to see error message {string}")
    public void verifyErrorMessage(String expectedErrorMessage) {

        // Verify error message


    @Then("User should be able to see a message {string} below Username")
    public void verifyMissingUsernameMessage(String message) {



Step 11 – Create a Hook class in src/test/java

Create the hook class that contains the Before and After hook to initialize the web browser and close the web browser. I have added the code to take the screenshot of the failed scenario in @After Hook.

Below is the code for the Hooks class.

import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;
import com.example.utils.HelperClass;

public class Hooks {

    public static void setUp() {


	public static void tearDown(Scenario scenario) {

		//validate if scenario has failed
		if(scenario.isFailed()) {
			final byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) HelperClass.getDriver()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
			scenario.attach(screenshot, "image/png", scenario.getName()); 

Step 12 – Create a TestNG Cucumber Runner class in the src/test/java

Cucumber needs a TestRunner class to run the feature files. It is suggested to create a folder with the name of the runner in the src/test/java directory and create the Cucumber TestRunner class in this folder. Below is the code of the Cucumber TestRunner class.

Below is the code for CucumberRunnerTests class.

import io.cucumber.testng.AbstractTestNGCucumberTests;
import io.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptions;

@CucumberOptions(tags = "", features = "src/test/resources/features/LoginPage.feature", glue = "org.example.definitions",
        plugin = {})

public class CucumberRunnerTests extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {

Note:- The name of the Runner class should end with Test otherwise we can’t run the tests using Command Line.

Step 13 – Run the tests from TestNG

You can execute the test script by right-clicking on TestRunner class -> Run As TestNG. (Eclipse)

In the case of the IntelliJ project, right-click on the runner class and select Run ‘CucumberRunnerTests’.

The output of the above program is

Step 14 – Run the tests from testng.xml

Create a TestNG.xml as shown below and run the tests as TestNG.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Suite">
    <test  name="Cucumber with TestNG Test">
            <class name="org.example.runner.CucumberRunnerTests"/>
    </test> <!-- Test -->
</suite> <!-- Suite -->

The testng.xml is highlighted below:

Step 15 – Run the tests from Command Line

Run the below command in the command prompt to run the tests and to get the test execution report.

mvn clean test

The output of the above program is

Step 16 – Cucumber Report Generation

To get Cucumber Test Reports, add under src/test/resources and add the below instruction in the file.


Below is the image of the Cucumber Report generated using the Cucumber Service.

In the above example, as we can see, one of the tests has failed. So, when a test fails, we have written the code to take a screenshot of the failed step. The Attached Image shows the image of the failed test. You can click on that to see the screenshot.

Step 17 – TestNG Report Generation

TestNG generates various types of reports under the target->surefire-reports folder like emailable-report.html, index.html, testng-results.xml.

We are interested in the “emailable-report.html” report. Open “emailable-report.html“, as this is an HTML report, and open it with the browser. The below image shows emailable-report.html.



TestNG also produces an “index.html” report. The below image shows the index.html report.

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Integration of Cucumber with Selenium and JUnit
Integration of Cucumber with Selenium and TestNG
Rest API Test in Cucumber BDD
Integration Testing of Springboot with Cucumber and JUnit4
Integration of Cucumber7 with Selenium and JUnit5
Run Cucumber7 with JUnit5 Tests from Maven Command Line

Integration of Cucumber Report with TestNG in Jenkins


In the previous tutorial, we have seen the Implemention of ‘Masterthought’ Reports in Cucumber . In this tutorial, we show you how to generate Cucumber Reports with Jenkins


Jenkins installed and started on the computer

Implementation Steps

Step 1: Create a JAVA project

Step 2: Create the Test Code

You can refer to this tutorial to get the test code – Implemention of ‘Masterthought’ Reports in Cucumber.

This framework consists of Selenium, Cucumber, TestNG, and Maven.

Step 3: Start the Jenkins server

Open the browser and navigate to the localhost and the port in which Jenkins is running.


Step 4: Log in to Jenkins UI

Provide username and password and click on Sign in.

Step 5: Download the Cucumber Report plugin

Click on the Manage Jenkins.

On the Plugins Page, go to the Available option

  1. Select the Cucumber Report Plugin
  2. Click on Install without restartThe plugin will take a few moments to finish downloading depending on your internet connection and will be installed automatically.
  3. You can also select the option Download now and Install after the restarbutton. In which plugin is installed after the restart
  4. You will be shown a “No updates available” message if you already have the Maven plugin installed.

Step 6: Restart Jenkins

Click on the checkbox “Restart Jenkins when installation is complete when no jobs are running“.

The Jenkins is being restarted, It is about to restart.

Again, log in to Jenkins UI.

Step 7: Create a new project using the Maven project plugin in Jenkins

  1. Give the Name of the project.
  2. Click on the Maven project. 
  3. Click on the OK button.

Step 8: In the General section, enter the project description in the Description box.

Step 9: Build Management

Go to the Build section of the new job.

  • In the Root POM textbox, enter the full path to pom.xml
  • In the Goals and options section, enter “clean test”

Click on the Advanced button.

Step 10: Select the custom workspace

Mention the full path of the project in the directory.

Step 11: Select “Cucumber reports” from “Post Build Actions

Scroll down to Post Build Actions” and click on the “Add Post Build Actions” drop-down list.

Select “Cucumber reports”

Click on the Advanced button in Cucumber reports.

Enter these details in Cucumber Reports – Mention the Report title and File Include Pattern and click on the “Save” and “Apply” buttons.

We have created a new Maven project CucumberWithTestNG_Demo” with the configuration to run Cucumber Tests and also to generate Cucumber Reports after execution using Jenkins.

Step 12: Execute the tests

Let’s execute it now by clicking on the “Build Now” button. 

Right-click on Build Number (here in my case it is #1) and click on Console Output to see the result.

Once the execution is completed, we could see a link to view the “Cucumber reports“.

Step 13: View the Cucumber Reports

Click on the Cucumber Reports. It displays the summary of the tests.

This way, we could generate a Cucumber Report using Jenkins.

Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!! Cheers!!

Cucumber Reports


Sharing Cucumber test results with your colleagues is not easy. To make things easier, the Cucumber team has created a free, cloud-based service for sharing reports across the organization. The Cucumber Reports service, which is currently in early beta, allows you to configure Cucumber (currently only in Ruby or Java flavours) to upload the results of a Cucumber run to the cloud. You can then access them through your browser, which will render them using the same HTML formatter as on the desktop.

Chapter 1 Cucumber Reports – HTML, XML, JSON
Chapter 2 Cucumber Report Service
Chapter 3 Implemention of ‘Masterthought’ Reports in Cucumber with TestNG
Chapter 4 Implemention of ‘Masterthought’ Reports in Cucumber with JUnit4

Cucumber Report Service


Reports can be generated in Cucumber in 2 ways.

  1. Generate report using Cucumber Report Services
  2. Generate local reports using built-in reporter plugins – html, json, junit, pretty

In this tutorial, I’ll explain about Cucumber Report Services. To use this service, we need to add Cucumber-jvm of version 6.7.0 and above.

<!-- -->

Another important pre-requisite is addition of below instruction in file

cucumber.publish.enabled=true file should be present in src/test/resources.

Now, execute the Cucumber tests by using command — mvn test in command line.

Below image shows the Console message generated

If you follow the link, you’ll see your report rendered in glorious colour. Below is the image of such Cucumber Report. This report provide the information about

  1. No Of Test Scenarios Executed
  2. Passed vs Failed percentage
  3. When the tests are executed like 8 minutes ago or 15 hours ago
  4. Time taken to execute the Test Suite
  5. Window Version
  6. Java Version
  7. Cucumber-jvm Version
  8. Name of the feature file executed
  9. Test Scenario step execution – passed, failed, pending

The report is self destructed in 24 hours. It is mentioned as a warning at the top of the report.

To save the report for future use, click on the link – Keep your future reports forever. It will open a dialog box as shown below. You can create a Report Collection and the reports present in Report Collection are not auto-deleted.

Login to GitHub. A new page as shown below will appear. Create a collection by providing the name in the Name box and click the “Create new collection” button.

This page contains a token as shown in the image in the below screen. Mention this environment variable with token in file which is present within src/test/resources.

When the tests will be executed, now the report will be saved under Cucumber Gradle Reports Collection.

Below is the image of the report which is saved under Cucumber Gradle Reports collection in GitHub.

If you have not added to your project, then will get a screen as shown below.

Delete Report

The report can be deleted by clicking on Delete button on the report. Once you have clicked on Delete Report button, a dialog box as shown below is displayed. Once you click on Delete button present in the dialog box, the report is deleted permanently.

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!