Tags in Cucumber


In this tutorial, I will explain Tags in Cucumber.

What are Tags?

Tags are a great way to organize Features and Scenarios.
By default, Cucumber executes all the scenarios present in a Feature File. If you want to run a specific scenario from the feature file, then a tag can be used.

Tags can be declared as below:-

   Scenario: Test the scenario


@: It is a symbol used to declare a tag.
TagName: It is the name of a specific test.

In the below example, there are 2 feature files – LoginPage.feature and DashboardPage.feature. LoginPage.feature contains 4 different scenarios with different tags, whereas DashboardPage.feature contains 3 different scenarios.

Feature: Login to HRM Application

    Given User is on Login page

  Scenario: Login with valid credentials

    When User enters username as "Admin"
    And User enters password as "admin123"
    Then User should be able to login successfully

  Scenario: Login with invalid credentials

    When User enters username as "Admin123"
    And User enters password as "admin123"
    Then User should see an error message "Invalid credentials"

  Scenario: Login with invalid username and valid password

    When User enters username as "1234"
    And User enters password as "admin123"
    Then User should see an error message "Invalid credentials"

  @InValidCredentials @SpecialCharacters
  Scenario: Login with special characters

    When User enters username as "$$$$"
    And User enters password as "%%%%%"
    Then User should see an error message "Invalid credentials"

Feature: Dashboard page validation

    Given User is on Login page
    When User enters username as "Admin"
    And User enters password as "admin123"
    Then User should be able to login successfully

  Scenario Outline: Login with valid credentials to check QuickLanuch options

    Then there are valid QuickLaunch options '<options>'

      | options                  |
      | Assign Leave             |
      | Leave List               |
      | Timesheets               |

Running a single Cucumber Tag

import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

@CucumberOptions(features= {"src/test/resources/features"}, glue= {"org.example.definitions"},
        tags = ("@ValidCredentials"))

public class RunCucumberTest {

Tags can be placed above Feature, Scenario, Scenario Outline, and Examples.

A feature or Scenario can have as many tags. However, each tag should be separated by a blank space.

How to execute Cucumber Tag that runs multiple scenarios

Let us consider a situation where a tag (@InValidCredentials) has multiple test scenarios, and you use this tag in the Runner class, then all the test scenarios associated with this tag will execute.

import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

@CucumberOptions(features= {"src/test/resources/features"}, glue= {"org.example.definitions"},
        tags = ("@InValidCredentials"))

public class RunCucumberTest {

The testing through multiple tags can be done by using two operators:

  1. OR operator
  2. AND operator

OR operator

OR means scenarios that are tagged either with @BlankCredentials or @InvalidCredentials will execute. The syntax is mentioned below:

import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

@CucumberOptions(features= {"src/test/resources/features"}, glue= {"org.example.definitions"},
        tags = ("@ValidCredentials or @SpecialCharacters"))

public class RunCucumberTest {

AND operator

Suppose you want to test an application with multiple test cases and if the first test case is failed in the application, we do not want to test the second test case. The syntax is mentioned below:

@CucumberOptions(features = { "src/test/resources/features/CucumberTagsExample.feature" }, glue = {"com.cucumber.demo.definitions" }, tags = ("@BlankCredentials and @InValidCredentials"))

How to ignore Tags in Cucumber?

To skip a specific test scenario, use not keyword.

@CucumberOptions(features= {"src/test/resources/features/LoginPage.feature"}, glue= {"org.example.definitions"}, tags = ("not @InValidCredentials"))

All these syntaxes are valid for Cucumber Version – 6.8.1

The below-mentioned syntax is not valid for Cucumber Version – 6.8.1 and above

AND - {"@BlankCredentials , @InValidCredentials"}
OR - {"@BlankCredentials" , "@InValidCredentials"}
NOT - {"~@InValidCredentials"}

@CucumberOptions(features= {"src/test/resources/features/LoginPage.feature","src/test/resources/features/DashboardPage.feature"}, glue= {"org.example.definitions"})

Cucumber – What is Feature File in Cucumber
Step Definition in Cucumber
Cucumber – JUnit Test Runner Class
Background in Cucumber
Conditional Hooks in Cucumber

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