How to set variable values from Runtime command in Robot Framework


In this tutorial, we will set the variable values from the Run time command argument in Robot Framework using Selenium WebDriver and Python.

Variables can be changed from the command line using the –variable (-v) option or a variable file using the –variablefile (-V) option. Variables set from the command line are universally accessible for all executed test data files, and they override any variables with the same names in the Variable section and variable files imported into the test data.

Individual variables are established using the syntax –variable name:value, where name is the variable’s name without the $ symbol and value is its value. This option can be used multiple times to define multiple variables. This syntax can only be used to establish scalar variables, and they can only receive string values.


  1. Install Python
  2. Install PIP
  3. Install Robot Framework
  4. Install Robot framework Selenium Library
  5. Install PyCharm IDE

Please refer to this tutorial to install Robot Framework – How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python.

Implementation Steps:

Step 1.1 – Open PyCharm and create a new project. Go to File and select “New Project” from the main menu.

Step 1.2 – Choose the project location. Click the “Browse” button next to the Location field and specify the directory for your project.

Deselect the Create a welcome script checkbox because you will create a new Python file for this tutorial.

Step 1.3 – A new dialog will appear asking to Open the project using any one of the given options. I have selected New Window as I like to have separate windows for each project.

Below is the image of the new project created in PyCharms.

Step 2 – Create a new directory in the new project

Right-Click on the project, select New->Directory and provide name as PageObject

Below is the image of the new directory.

Right-click on the new directory select New File and provide the name LoginPage.robot as shown below:

Step 3 – Download ChromeBinaries from the below location

The tests are going to use the Chrome browser, so we need to download the ChromeBinaries to open a blank browser in Chrome.

The chromedriver and geckodriver are placed in a folder name drivers in the RobotFramework_Demo project. I have renamed chromedriver to chrome and geckodriver to firefox.

Step 4 – Create a simple Selenium Test

*** Settings ***
Documentation       Tests to login to Login Page
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${valid_username}     Admin
${valid_password}       admin123
${invalid_username}     1234
${invalid_password}     45678
${browser_name}      Chrome
${login_error_message}      css:.oxd-alert-content--error
${dashboard_title}       css:.oxd-topbar-header-breadcrumb-module
${missing_username_error_message}    xpath://*[@class='oxd-form']/div[1]/div/span
${missing_password_error_message}   xpath://*[@class='oxd-form']/div[2]/div/span

*** Test Cases ***

Validate Unsuccessful Login using invalid credentials
    [Tags]    SMOKE
    Open the Browser with URL
    Fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${invalid_password}
    Verify the error message is correct
    Close Browser Session

Validate Unsuccessful Login for blank username
    [Tags]    REGRESSION
    Open the Browser with URL
    Fill the login form     ${blank_username}       ${valid_password}
    Verify the error message is displayed for username
    Close Browser Session

Validate Unsuccessful Login for blank password
    [Tags]    SMOKE     REGRESSION
    Open the Browser with URL
    Fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${blank_password}
    Verify the error message is displayed for password
    Close Browser Session

Validate successful Login
    [Tags]    UAT
    Open the Browser with URL
    Fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${valid_password}
    Verify Dashboard page opens
    Close Browser Session

*** Keywords ***

Open the Browser with URL
    Create Webdriver    ${browser_name}  executable_path=/Vibha_Personal/RobotFramework_Demo/drivers/${browser_name}
    Go To       ${url}
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Fill the login form
   [Arguments]    ${username}      ${password}
   Input Text    css:input[name=username]   ${username}
   Input Password    css:input[name=password]   ${password}
   Click Button    css:.orangehrm-login-button

Verify the error message is correct
    Element Text Should Be    ${login_error_message}    Invalid credentials

Verify Dashboard page opens
    Element Text Should Be    ${dashboard_title}      Dashboard

Verify the error message is displayed for username
     Element Text Should Be    ${missing_username_error_message}      Required

Verify the error message is displayed for password
      Element Text Should Be    ${missing_password_error_message}      Required

Close Browser Session
    Close Browser

Step 5 – Set Variable values from the Runtime command

In the above example, we are using the Chrome browser to run the tests. I want to run the tests on the Firefox browser, but without making any changes to the existing code. How this can be achieved? We can pass variable

robot --variable browser_name:Firefox .

The output of the above program is

We have the test case passed. The Robot Framework generates log.html, output.xml, and report.html by default.

Let us now see the report and log details.


Right-click on report.html. Select Open In->Browser->Firefox (any browser of your wish).

The Report generated by the framework is shown below:


Robot Framework has multiple log levels that control what is shown in the automatically generated log file. The default Robot Framework log level is INFO.

Right-click on log.html. Select Open In->Browser->Firefox (any browser of your wish).

Variables with Tags

If you want to execute only test scenario tagged with UAT using firefox browser, it can be done using the below command:

robot --variable browser_name:Firefox --include UAT .

The output of the above program is

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Additional Tutorials

How to Install Python on Windows 11
How to run all the tests from the folder in Robot Framework
How to rerun failed tests in Robot Framework
How to implement tagging in Robot Framework
Page Object Model in Robot Framework with Selenium and Python
How to load data from CSV files in the Robot Framework?

How to run headless tests in Robot Framework 


In this tutorial, we will run the tests in headless mode in Robot Framework.


  1. Install Python
  2. Install PIP
  3. Install Robot Framework
  4. Install Robot framework Selenium Library
  5. Install PyCharm IDE

Please refer to this tutorial to install Robot Framework – How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python.

Implementation Steps:

Step 1.1 – Open PyCharm and create a new project. Go to File and select New Project from the main menu.

Step 1.2 – Choose the project location. Click the “Browse” button next to the Location field and specify the directory for your project.

Deselect the Create a welcome script checkbox because you will create a new Python file for this tutorial.

Click on the “Create” Button.

Step 1.3 – A new dialog appears asking to open the project using any one of the given options. I have selected New Window as I like to have separate windows for each project.

Below is the image of the new project created in PyCharms.

Step 2 – Create a new directory in the new project

Right-Click on the project, select New->Directory and provide name as Tests

Below is the image of the new directory.

Right-click on the new directory and select New File and provide the name as HeadlessChrome_Demo.robot and Headlessas shown below:

Step 3 – Execute tests in headless mode

We are now going to write test cases. The test case details will be as follows −

To work with the Robot Framework, we need a locator. A locator is an identifier for the textbox like id, name, class, xpath, css selector, etc.

To know more about locators, refer to these Selenium Tutorials:

 Locators in Selenium – Locate by ID, ClassName,  Name, TagName,  LinkText, PartialLinkText

Dynamic XPath  in Selenium WebDriver

CSS Selector in Selenium WebDriver

Below is an example of executing Chrome tests in headless mode.

*** Settings ***
Documentation    To validate the Login Form
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Validate Unsuccessful Login
    Open the Browser with URL
    Fill the login form
    verify error message is correct

*** Keywords ***
Open the Browser with URL
    Open Browser    headlesschrome
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Fill the login form
   Input Text    css:input[name=username]   Admin
   Input Password    css:input[name=password]   Admin
   Click Button    css:.orangehrm-login-button

verify error message is correct
    ${result}=  Get Text    CSS:.oxd-alert-content-text
    Should Be Equal As Strings   ${result}  Invalid credentials

Below is an example of executing Firefox tests in headless mode.

*** Settings ***
Documentation    To validate the Login Form
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Validate Unsuccessful Login
    Open the Browser with URL
    Fill the login form
    verify error message is correct

*** Keywords ***
Open the Browser with URL
    Open Browser    headlessfirefox
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Fill the login form
   Input Text    css:input[name=username]   Admin
   Input Password    css:input[name=password]   Admin
   Click Button    css:.orangehrm-login-button

verify error message is correct
    ${result}=  Get Text    CSS:.oxd-alert-content-text
    Should Be Equal As Strings   ${result}  Invalid credentials

All the below-mentioned keywords are derived from SeleniumLibrary except the last one. The functionality of keywords mentioned above:

1. Open Browser  − The keyword opens a new browser instance to the optional URL.

2. Maximize Browser Window – This keyword maximizes the current browser window.

3. Set Selenium Implicit Wait – This keyword sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium.

4. Input Text − This keyword is used to type the given text in the specified textbox identified by the locator name:username.

5. Input Password – This keyword is used to type the given text in the specified password identified by the locator name:password.

The difference compared to Input Text is that this keyword does not log the given password on the INFO level.

6. Click button – This keyword is used to click on the button with location css:.orangehrm-login-button.

7. ${result} – This is a variable that holds the text value of the error message that is located by css:.oxd-alert-content-text

8. Get Text – This keyword returns the text value of the element identified by located by css:.oxd-alert-content-text.

9. Should Be Equal As Strings – This keyword is used from builtIn keyword. This keyword returns false if objects are unequal after converting them to strings.

These keywords are present in SeleniumLibrary. To know more about these keywords, please refer to this document –

To run this script, go to the command line and go to directory tests.

Step 4 – Execute the tests

We need the below command to run the Robot Framework script.

robot .

The output of the above program is

Step 5 – View Report and Log

We have the test case passed. The Robot Framework generates log.html, output.xml, and report.html by default.

Let us now see the report and log details.


Right-click on report.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

The Report generated by the framework is shown below:


Robot Framework has multiple log levels that control what is shown in the automatically generated log file. The default Robot Framework log level is INFO.

Right-click on log.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

How to rerun failed tests in Robot Framework
How to use Drag and Drop in Robot Framework? 
How to set variable values from Runtime command in Robot Framework
Page Object Model in Robot Framework with Selenium and Python
Parallel Testing in Robot Framework 
Integration of Allure Report with Robot Framework 

How to use Drag and Drop in Robot Framework?


In this tutorial, we will discuss in detail how we can perform Drag and Drop actions in Robot Framework.


  1. Install Python
  2. Install PIP
  3. Install Robot Framework
  4. Install Robot framework Selenium Library
  5. Install PyCharm IDE

Please refer to this tutorial to install Robot Framework – How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python.

Implementation Steps:

Step 1.1 – Open PyCharm and create a new project. Go to File and select New Project from the main menu.

Step 1.2 – Choose the project location. Click the “Browse” button next to the Location field and specify the directory for your project.

Deselect the Create a welcome script checkbox because you will create a new Python file for this tutorial.

Click on the “Create” Button.

Step 1.3 – A new dialog appears asking to open the project using any one of the given options. I have selected New Window as I like to have separate windows for each project.

Below is the image of the new project created in PyCharms.

Step 2 – Create a new directory in the new project

Right-Click on the project, select New->Directory, and provide the name as Tests

Below is the image of the new directory.

Right-click on the new directory, select New File and provide the name as Drag_And_Drop_Demo.robot as shown below:

Step 3 – Download ChromeBinaries from the below location

The tests are going to use the Chrome browser, so we need to download the ChromeBinaries to open a blank browser in Chrome.

The chromedriver and geckodriver are placed in a folder named drivers in the RobotFramework_Demo project. I have renamed chromedriver to Chrome and geckodriver to Firefox.

Step 4 – Automate the drag and drop option

We are now going to write test cases. The test case details will be as follows −

  • Open the Browser with the URL
  • Verify element Text before drag
  • Drag the element and drop
  • Verify element Text after drag

To work with the Radio Button, we need a locator. A locator is an identifier for the textbox like id, name, class, xpath, css selector, etc.

To know more about locators, refer to these Selenium Tutorials:

 Locators in Selenium – Locate by ID, ClassName,  Name, TagName,  LinkText, PartialLinkText

Dynamic XPath  in Selenium WebDriver

CSS Selector in Selenium WebDriver

The below page shows that we have multiple DropDown options.

Let us inspect the locator of the drag and drop option.

Below is an example of a drag and drop option.

*** Settings ***
Documentation    To drag the box
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Verify that the user can drag and drop elements
    [documentation]  This test case verifies that a user can drag and drop an element from source to destination
    Open the Browser with URL
    Verify element Text before drag
    Drag the element and drop
    Verify element Text after drag

*** Keywords ***
Open the Browser with URL
    Create Webdriver    Chrome  executable_path=/Vibha_Personal/RobotFramework_Demo/drivers/Chrome
    Go To
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Verify element Text before drag
    Element Text Should Be      id:droppable  Drop here  timeout=5  #Before Drag and Drop

Drag the element and drop
    Drag And Drop   id:draggable   id:droppable

Verify element Text after drag
    Element Text Should Be  id:droppable  Dropped!  timeout=5  #After Drag and Drop

All the below-mentioned keywords are derived from SeleniumLibrary except the last one. The functionality of keywords mentioned above:

1. Create Webdriver − The keyword creates an instance of Selenium WebDriver.

2. Go To – This keyword navigates the current browser window to the provided URL –

3. Maximize Browser Window – This keyword maximizes the current browser window.

4. Set Selenium Implicit Wait – This keyword sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium.

5. Element Text Should Be – This keyword is used to verify that the current page contains the exact text identified by the locator.

6. Drag And Drop – Drags the element identified by the locator into the target element. 

These keywords are present in SeleniumLibrary. To know more about these keywords, please refer to this document –



Step 5 – Automate the Drag and Drop by Offset option

Drag And Drop By Offset – Drags the element identified with the locator by xoffset/yoffset.

*** Settings ***
Documentation    To drag the box
Library     SeleniumLibrary
Test Teardown    Close Browser

*** Test Cases ***

Verify that the user can drag and drop element by offset
    [documentation]  This test case verifies that a user can drag and drop an element by offset
    Open the Browser with URL
    Verify element Text before drag
    Drag the element and drop locator by xoffset/yoffset
    Verify no change in Text

*** Keywords ***
Open the Browser with URL
    Create Webdriver    Chrome  executable_path=/Vibha_Personal/RobotFramework_Demo/drivers/Chrome
    Go To
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Verify element Text before drag
    Element Text Should Be      id:droppable  Drop here  timeout=5  #Before Drag and Drop

Drag the element and drop locator by xoffset/yoffset
     Drag And Drop By Offset  id:draggable  50  70

Verify no change in Text
     Element Text Should Be  id:droppable  Drop here  timeout=5  #After Drag and Drop



Step 6 – Execute the tests

We need the below command to run the Robot Framework script.

 robot Drag_Drop_Demo.robot

The output of the above program is

Step 7 – View Report and Log

We have the test case passed. The Robot Framework generates log.html, output.xml, and report.html by default.

Let us now see the report and log details.


Right-click on report.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome (any browser of your wish).

The Report generated by the framework is shown below:


Robot Framework has multiple log levels that control what is shown in the automatically generated log file. The default Robot Framework log level is INFO.

Right-click on log.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome (any browser of your wish).

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

How to set variable values from Runtime command in Robot Framework
Page Object Model in Robot Framework with Selenium and Python
Parallel Testing in Robot Framework
How to run headless tests in Robot Framework 
Integration of Allure Report with Robot Framework 

How to write tests in Robot Framework in BDD Format

Last Modified Date


In this tutorial, we will run the tests in the BDD format in Robot Framework.

What is BDD?

BDD is an Agile software development process in which an application is documented and designed around the behaviour that a user expects to see when interacting with it. BDD helps to avoid bloat, excessive code, unnecessary features, and lack of focus by encouraging developers to focus only on the requested behaviours of an app or program. This methodology combines, augments, and refines test-driven development (TDD) and acceptance testing practices.

The Given-When-Then syntax is a commonly used structure for writing user stories and acceptance criteria in a behaviour-driven development (BDD). It is used to describe the desired behaviour of a system in a clear, concise, and consistent manner.

The structure is broken down into three parts:

  • Given: This section describes the initial state or context of the system. It sets the scene for the scenario being tested.
  • When: This section describes the action or event that occurs. It specifies the trigger for the scenario being tested.
  • Then: This section describes the expected outcome or result of the scenario. It defines the acceptance criteria for the scenario being tested.


  1. Install Python
  2. Install PIP
  3. Install Robot Framework
  4. Install Robot framework Selenium Library
  5. Install PyCharm IDE

Please refer to this tutorial to install Robot Framework – How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python.

Implementation Steps:

Step 1.1 – Open PyCharm and create a new project. Go to File and select New Project from the main menu.

Step 1.2 – Choose the project location. Click the “Browse” button next to the Location field and specify the directory for your project.

Deselect the Create a welcome script checkbox because you will create a new Python file for this tutorial.

Click on the “Create” Button.

Step 1.3 – A new dialog appears asking to open the project using any one of the given options. I have selected New Window as I like to have separate windows for each project.

Below is the image of the new project created in PyCharms.

How to run tests in BDD format in Robot Framework?

Step 2 – Create a new directory in the new project

Right-Click on the project, select New->Directory and provide name as Tests

Below is the image of the new directory.

Right-click on the new directory and select New File and provide the name as BDD_Demo.robot as shown below:

Step 3 – Execute the tests

We are now going to write test cases. The test case details will be as follows −

To work with the Robot Framework, we need a locator. A locator is an identifier for the textbox like id, name, class, xpath, css selector, etc.

To know more about locators, refer to these Selenium Tutorials:

 Locators in Selenium – Locate by ID, ClassName,  Name, TagName,  LinkText, PartialLinkText

Dynamic XPath  in Selenium WebDriver

CSS Selector in Selenium WebDriver

Below is an example of tests in BDD format.

*** Settings ***
Documentation       Tests to login to Login Page
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${valid_username}     Admin
${valid_password}       admin123
${invalid_password}     45678
${browser_name}      Chrome
${login_error_message}      css:.oxd-alert-content--error
${dashboard_title}       css:.oxd-topbar-header-breadcrumb-module

*** Test Cases ***

Validate Unsuccessful Login using invalid credentials
    [Tags]    SMOKE
    Given I open the Browser with URL
    When I fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${invalid_password}
    Then I verify the error message is correct
    And Close Browser Session

Validate successful Login
    [Tags]    UAT
    Given I open the Browser with URL
    When I fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${valid_password}
    Then I verify Dashboard page opens
    And Close Browser Session

*** Keywords ***

Given I open the Browser with URL
    Create Webdriver    ${browser_name}  executable_path=/Vibha_Personal/RobotFramework_Demo/drivers/${browser_name}
    Go To       ${url}
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

When I fill the login form
   [Arguments]    ${username}      ${password}
   Input Text    css:input[name=username]   ${username}
   Input Password    css:input[name=password]   ${password}
   Click Button    css:.orangehrm-login-button

Then I verify the error message is correct
    Element Text Should Be    ${login_error_message}    Invalid credentials

Then I verify Dashboard page opens
    Element Text Should Be    ${dashboard_title}      Dashboard

And Close Browser Session
    Close Browser

All the below-mentioned keywords are derived from SeleniumLibrary except the last one. The functionality of keywords mentioned above:

1. Open Browser  − The keyword opens a new browser instance to the optional URL.

2. Maximize Browser Window – This keyword maximizes the current browser window.

3. Set Selenium Implicit Wait – This keyword sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium.

4. Input Text − This keyword is used to type the given text in the specified textbox identified by the locator name:username.

5. Input Password – This keyword is used to type the given text in the specified password identified by the locator name:password.

The difference compared to Input Text is that this keyword does not log the given password on the INFO level.

6. Click button – This keyword is used to click on the button with location css:.orangehrm-login-button.

7. ${result} – This is a variable that holds the text value of the error message that is located by css:.oxd-alert-content-text

8. Element Text Should Be  – This keyword is used to verify that the element locator contains exact the text expected.

These keywords are present in SeleniumLibrary. To know more about these keywords, please refer to this document –

To run this script, go to the command line and go to directory tests.

Step 4 – Execute the tests

We need the below command to run the Robot Framework script.

robot .

The output of the above program is

Step 5 – View Report and Log

We have the test case passed. The Robot Framework generates log.html, output.xml, and report.html by default.

Let us now see the report and log details.


Right-click on report.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

The Report generated by the framework is shown below:


Robot Framework has multiple log levels that control what is shown in the automatically generated log file. The default Robot Framework log level is INFO.

Right-click on log.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

What are variables in Robot Framework?


Variables are an essential component of Robot Framework and can be utilized in almost any place in test data. Simply said, if we have values that change frequently and are utilized several times in different test scenarios, adding a variable can help. So, if our value changes in the future, we can just update it in one place, and it will be reflected in all the test cases. Test data and locators are the finest use cases for variables.

In Robot Framework, there are four sorts of variables.

1. Scalar (Identifier: $) – The most common way to use variables in Robot Framework test data is using the scalar variable syntax like ${var}. When this syntax is used, the variable name is replaced with its value as-is.

2. List (Identifier: @) – If a variable value is a list or list-like, a list variable like @{EXAMPLE} is used. In this case, the list is expanded, and individual items are passed in as separate arguments.

3. Dictionary (Identifier: &) – A variable containing a Python dictionary or a dictionary-like object can be used as a dictionary variable like &{EXAMPLE}. In practice, this means that the dictionary is expanded and individual items are passed as named arguments to the keyword.

4. Environment (Identifier: %) – Robot Framework allows using environment variables in the test data using the syntax %{ENV_VAR_NAME}. They are limited to string values.

*** Variables ***
${STRING}           cute name                #Scalar
${INT_AS_STRING}    1                     #Scalar
${INT_AS_INT}       ${1}                    #Scalar
${FLOAT}            ${3.14}                   #Scalar
@{LIST}             one    two    three
&{DICTIONARY}       string=name    int=${1}    list=@{LIST}

Let’s write a simple test using all the above identifiers:

*** Settings ***
Documentation    To validate the Login Form
Library     SeleniumLibrary
Library    Collections
Test Teardown    Close Browser Session

*** Variables ***
${valid_username}     Admin                          #Scalar
${valid_password}       admin123                   #Scalar
${url}        #Scalar
&{VisibleElements}  Forgot your password?=css:.orangehrm-login-forgot-header         #Dictionary

*** Test Cases ***

Validate Elements on Login Page
    Open the Browser with URL
    Verify Element on Login Page

Validate Successful Login
    Open the Browser with URL
    Fill the login form
    Verify Dashboard page opens
    Verify items in Dashboard page

Verify Environment variable

*** Keywords ***

Open the Browser with URL
    Create Webdriver    Chrome  executable_path=/Vibha_Personal/RobotFramework_Demo/drivers/chromedriver_linux64
    Go To       ${url}
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Verify Element on Login Page
    Element Should Be Visible       ${VisibleElements}[Forgot your password?]

Fill the login form
   Input Text    css:input[name=username]   ${valid_username}
   Input Password    css:input[name=password]   ${valid_password}
   Click Button    css:.orangehrm-login-button

Verify Dashboard page opens
    Element Text Should Be    css:.oxd-topbar-header-breadcrumb-module   Dashboard

Verify items in Dashboard page

    @{expectedList} =      Create List      Admin   PIM   Leave     Time    Recruitment  My Info  Performance     Dashboard   Directory  Maintenance  Buzz             #List
    ${elements} =   Get Webelements    css:.oxd-main-menu-item--name
    @{actualList} =     Create List
    FOR    ${element}    IN      @{elements}
        LOG  ${element.text}
        Append To List    ${actualList}     ${element.text}

    Lists Should Be Equal    ${expectedList}         ${actualList}

Close Browser Session
    Close Browser

1. ${valid_username} Admin and ${valid_password} admin123 are both scalar variables because we have the $ sign. The variables are storing the username and password values.

2. @{expectedList} is a list variable (identified by the sign @) storing 11 elements in a list (or Array).

3. &{VisibleElements} Forgot your password?=css:.orangehrm-login-forgot-header is a Dictionary variable (identified by &) storing two locators in the form of key=value.

Execute the tests

We need the below command to run the Robot Framework script.

robot Variable_Demo.robot

The output of the above program is

View Report and Log

We have the test case passed. The Robot Framework generates log.html, output.xml, and report.html by default.

Let us now see the report and log details.


Right-click on report.html. Select Open In->Browser->Firefox(any browser of your wish).


Robot Framework has multiple log levels that control what is shown in the automatically generated log file. The default Robot Framework log level is INFO.

Right-click on log.html. Select Open In->Browser->Firefox(any browser of your wish).

The list elements are shown below

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Integration of Allure Report with Robot Framework

Last Updated on


In this tutorial, we will discuss the integration of Allure Report with the Robot Framework.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Allure Report?
  2. Prerequisite
  3. Implementation Steps
    1. Create a new project
    2. Install allure-robotframework plugin
    3. Add allure-robotframework package to the PyCharms
    4. Create 3 new directories in the new project
    5. Create the test code
    6. Execute the tests
    7. View Report and Log
    8. Generate the Allure Report
    9. Allure Report Dashboard
    10. Categories in Allure Report
    11. Suites in Allure Report
    12. Graphs in Allure Report
    13. Timeline in Allure Report
    14. Behaviours of Allure Report
    15. Packages in Allure Report

What is Allure Report?

Allure Framework is a flexible lightweight multi-language test report tool that not only shows a very concise representation of what has been tested in a neat web report form but allows everyone participating in the development process to extract maximum useful information from everyday execution of tests.

From the dev/qa perspective, Allure reports shorten common defect lifecycle: test failures can be divided into bugs and broken tests, also logs, steps, fixtures, attachments, timings, history, and integrations with TMS and bug-tracking systems can be configured, so the responsible developers and testers will have all information at hand.


  1. Install Python
  2. Install PIP
  3. Install Robot Framework
  4. Install Robot framework Selenium Library
  5. Install PyCharm IDE

Please refer to this tutorial to install Robot Framework – How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python.

Implementation Steps:

Step 1 – Create a new project

Step 1.1 – Open PyCharm and create a new project. Go to File and select New Project from the main menu.

Step 1.2 – Choose the project location. Click the “Browse” button next to the Location field and specify the directory for your project.

Deselect the Create a welcome script checkbox because you will create a new Python file for this tutorial.

Click on the “Create” Button.

Step 1.3 – A new dialog appears asking to open the project using any one of the given options. I have selected New Window as I like to have separate windows for each project.

Below is the image of the new project created in PyCharms.

Step 2 – Install allure-robotframework plugin

Go to the command prompt and run the below-mentioned command to download the plugin:

pip install allure-robotframework

The below image shows that the plugin is installed successfully.

Step 3 – Add allure-robotframework package to the PyCharms

Go to File->Settings ->Project:RobotFramework_Demo ->Python Interpreter.

Click on the “+” sign and enter allure-r in the search bar. It will show a list of packages. Select the “allure-robotframework” package and click on the “Install Package”.

Once the package is installed, we will see the message that the package is installed successfully.

Once the package is installed, it can be seen under the package list as shown below:

Step 4 – Create 3 new directories in the new project

Right-Click on the project, select New->Directory and provide the name as TestCases, Drivers, and Resources

Step 5 – Create the test code

To know the framework, tests, and corresponding keywords can be referred from here – Page Object Model in the Robot Framework.

Step 6 – Execute the tests

We need the below command to run the Robot Framework script using Allure listener.

 robot --listener allure_robotframework --outputdir ./output/robot ./TestCases

The output of the above program is

Step 7 – View Report and Log

We have the test case passed. The Robot Framework generates log.html, output.xml, and report.html by default.

These reports are generated in the output/robot folder as I have provided –outputdir ./output/robot in the command line.

Let us now see the report and log details.


Right-click on report.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

As one of the tests purposefully failed to demonstrate how the report would look in the event of a failure, we can see that it is now a Red report. The framework generated the following report:


Robot Framework has multiple log levels that control what is shown in the automatically generated log file. The default Robot Framework log level is INFO.

Right-click on log.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

Step 8 – Generate the Allure Report

To create Allure Report, use the below command

 allure serve ./output/allure

This will generate the beautiful Allure Test Report as shown below.

Step 9 – Allure Report Dashboard

The overview page hosts several default widgets representing the basic characteristics of your project and test environment.

  1. Statistics – overall report statistics.
  2. Launches – if this report represents several test launches, statistics per launch will be shown here.
  3. Behaviours – information on results aggregated according to stories and features.
  4. Executors – information on test executors that were used to run the tests.
  5. History Trend – if tests accumulated some historical data, it’s trend will be calculated and shown on the graph.
  6. Environment – information on the test environment.

Categories in Allure Report

The categories tab gives you a way to create custom defect classifications to apply for test results. There are two categories of defects – Product Defects (failed tests) and Test Defects (broken tests).

Suites in Allure Report

On the Suites tab a standard structural representation of executed tests, grouped by suites and classes can be found.

Graphs in Allure Report

Graphs allow you to see different statistics collected from the test data: statuses breakdown or severity and duration diagrams.

Timeline in Allure Report

The timeline tab visualizes retrospective of tests execution, allure adaptors collect precise timings of tests, and here on this tab, they are arranged accordingly to their sequential or parallel timing structure.

Behaviours of Allure Report

This tab groups test results according to Epic, Feature, and Story tags.

Packages in Allure Report

The packages tab represents a tree-like layout of test results, grouped by different packages.

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Run Robot Framework Tests in GitLab CI/CD

Last Updated On


This tutorial walks you through the process of running Robot Framework tests in GitLab pipelines. This is a very important step in achieving CI/CD. Ideally, tests should be run after each change (minor/major) before the latest change is merged into the master branch. Let’s assume that 100 changes are merged into the master branch a day and tests are run every time before deployment. In this case, there is no QA manually starting 100 tests a day. Now, what should be done to overcome this problem. Now add a test to your GitLab pipeline. Adding a test stage to your pipeline automatically runs the tests when you run the pipeline. 

Table of Contents

  1. What is GitLab CI/CD Workflow?
  2. What is a headless browser?
  3. Prerequisite
  4. Implementation Steps:
    1. Create a new Project
    2. Create 2 new directories in the new project
    3. Create Test Files
    4. Create Resources file for each page
    5. Execute the tests
  5. GitLab Section
    1. Create a blank project in GitLab
    2. Push the project from local repository to Gitlab Repository
    3. Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the project in GitLab
    4. Run the tests in the GitLab pipeline
    5. Check the status of the pipeline
    6. Download the report

What is GitLab CI/CD Workflow?

Once the proposed changes are built, then push the commits to a feature branch in a remote repository that’s hosted in GitLab. The push triggers the CI/CD pipeline for your project. Then, GitLab CI/CD runs automated scripts (sequentially or in parallel) to build as well as to test the application. After a successful run of the test scripts, GitLab CI/CD deploys your changes automatically to any environment (DEV/QA/UAT/PROD). But if the test stage is failed in the pipeline, then the deployment is stopped.

To use GitLab CI/CD, we need to keep 2 things in mind:

a) Make sure a runner is available in GitLab to run the jobs. If there is no runner, install GitLab Runner and register a runner for your instance, project, or group.

b) Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file at the root of the repository. This file is where CI/CD jobs are defined.

The Selenium tests run on a headless browser in the pipeline.

What is a headless browser?

A headless browser is like any other browser but without a Head/GUI (Graphical User Interface).  A headless browser is used to automate the browser without launching the browser. While the tests are running, we could not see the browser, but we can see the test results coming on the console.


  1. Install Python
  2. Install PIP
  3. Install Robot Framework
  4. Install Robot framework Selenium Library
  5. Install PyCharm IDE
  6. GitLab Account

Implementation Steps:

Step 1 – Create a new Project

Step 1.1 – Open PyCharm and create a new project. Go to File and select New Project from the main menu.

Step 1.2 – Choose the project location. Click the Browse button next to the Location field and specify the directory for your project.

Deselect the Create a welcome script checkbox because you will create a new Python file for this tutorial.

Click on the Create Button.

Step 1.3 – A new dialog will appear asking to Open the project using any one of the given options. I have selected New Window as I like to have separate windows for each project.

Below is the image of the new project created in PyCharms.

Step 2 – Create 2 new directories in the new project

Right-Click on the project, select New->Directory, and provide the name as TestCases and Resources

Step 3 – Create Test Files

This directory contains multiple test case files consisting of test steps. 

Right-click on the new directory select New File and provide the name LoginPageTests.robot and ForgetPasswordTests.robot as shown below:

Below is the code for LoginPageTests.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation       Tests to login to Login Page
Library     SeleniumLibrary
Test Setup      Open the Browser with URL
Test Teardown   Close Browser Session
Resource       ../Resources/GenericResources.robot
Resource       ../Resources/LoginResources.robot
Resource      ../Resources/DashboardResources.robot

*** Test Cases ***

Validate Unsuccessful Login using invalid credentials

    LoginResources.Fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${invalid_password}
    LoginResources.Verify the error message is correct

Validate Unsuccessful Login for blank username

     LoginResources.Fill the login form     ${blank_username}       ${valid_password}
     LoginResources.Verify the error message is displayed for username

Validate Unsuccessful Login for blank password

     LoginResources.Fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${blank_password}
     LoginResources.Verify the error message is displayed for password

Validate successful Login

    LoginResources.Fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${valid_password}
    DashboardResources.Verify Dashboard page opens

Below is the code for ForgetPasswordTests.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation       Tests to validate Forgot Your Password Page functionality
Library     SeleniumLibrary
Test Setup      Open the Browser with URL
Test Teardown   Close Browser Session
Resource       ../Resources/GenericResources.robot
Resource       ../Resources/LoginResources.robot
Resource      ../Resources/ForgetPasswordResources.robot

*** Test Cases ***

Validate Reset Password Functionality

    LoginResources.Go to Forgot Your Password Page
    ForgetPasswordResources.Verify Forgot Your Password Page opens
    ForgetPasswordResources.Fill the Forgot Password Page
    ForgetPasswordResources.Verify the message

Validate Cancel Functionality

    LoginResources.Go to Forgot Your Password Page
    ForgetPasswordResources.Verify Forgot Your Password Page opens
    ForgetPasswordResources.Cancel the Reset Password
    ForgetPasswordResources.Verify that Login Page is displayed

Step 4 – Create a Resource file for each page

It maintains the files which contain page elements as well as corresponding keywords. 

Right-click on the new directory select New File and provide the name as LoginResources.robot, DashboardResources.robot, GenericResources.robot, and ForgetPasswordResources.robot as shown below:

GenericResources.robot contains the keywords that are common to all the tests, like opening of the browser or closing of the browser.

*** Settings ***
Documentation    A resource file with reusable keywords and variables.
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${valid_username}     Admin
${valid_password}       admin123
${invalid_username}     1234
${invalid_password}     45678
${browser_name}      Chrome

*** Keywords ***

Open the Browser with URL
    Open Browser   ${url}    headlesschrome
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Close Browser Session
    Close Browser

Below is the code for LoginResources.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation        All the page objects and keywords of landing page
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${login_error_message}      css:.oxd-alert-content--error
${dashboard_title}       css:.oxd-topbar-header-breadcrumb-module
${missing_username_error_message}    xpath://*[@class='oxd-form']/div[1]/div/span
${missing_password_error_message}   xpath://*[@class='oxd-form']/div[2]/div/span
${forgot_password_link}   xpath://div[@class='orangehrm-login-forgot']/p

*** Keywords ***

Fill the login form
    [Arguments]    ${username}      ${password}
   Input Text    css:input[name=username]   ${username}
   Input Password    css:input[name=password]   ${password}
   Click Button    css:.orangehrm-login-button

Verify the error message is correct
    Element Text Should Be    ${login_error_message}    Invalid credentials

Verify the error message is displayed for username
     Element Text Should Be    ${missing_username_error_message}      Required

Verify the error message is displayed for password
      Element Text Should Be    ${missing_password_error_message}      Required

Go to Forgot Your Password Page
    Click Element      ${forgot_password_link}

Below is the code for DashboardResources.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation        All the page objects and keywords of Dashboard page
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${dashboard_title}       css:.oxd-topbar-header-breadcrumb-module

*** Keywords ***

Verify Dashboard page opens
    Element Text Should Be    ${dashboard_title}      Dashboard

Below is the code for ForgetPasswordResources.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation       All the page objects and keywords of Forget Password page
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${forgot_page_title}       css:.orangehrm-forgot-password-title
${username}     css:.oxd-input--active
${reset_btn}     css:.orangehrm-forgot-password-button--reset
${cancel_btn}    css:.orangehrm-forgot-password-button--cancel
${reset_message}      xpath://div[@class='orangehrm-card-container']/h6
${login_page_title}   xpath://*[@class='orangehrm-login-slot']/h5

*** Keywords ***

Verify Forgot Your Password Page opens
    Element Text Should Be    ${forgot_page_title}      Reset Password

Fill the Forgot Password Page
   Input Text        ${username}
   Click Button    ${reset_btn}

Verify the message
    Element Text Should Be    ${reset_message}      Reset Password link sent successfully

Cancel the Reset Password
    Click Button    ${cancel_btn}

Verify that Login Page is displayed
    Element Text Should Be    ${login_page_title}       Login

All the below-mentioned keywords are derived from SeleniumLibrary. The functionality of keywords mentioned above:

1. Create Webdriver − The keyword creates an instance of Selenium WebDriver.

2. Go To – This keyword navigates the current browser window to the provided url.

3. Maximize Browser Window – This keyword maximizes the current browser window.

4. Set Selenium Implicit Wait – This keyword sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium.

5. Input Text − This keyword is used to type the given text in the specified textbox identified by the locator name:username.

6. Input Password – This keyword is used to type the given text in the specified password identified by the locator name:password.

The difference compared to Input Text is that this keyword does not log the given password on the INFO level.

7. Click button – This keyword is used to click the button identified by the locator. In this case, it is “Login” button.

8. Element Text Should Be – This keyword is used to verify that the current page contains the exact text identified by the locator. Here, we are checking the exact text “Invalid Credentials”.

These keywords are present in SeleniumLibrary. To know more about these keywords, please refer to this document –

To run this script, go to the command line and go to directory tests.

Step 5 – Execute the tests

We need the below command to run the Robot Framework script.

robot .

The output of the above program is

GitLab Section

Step 6 – Create a blank project in GitLab

To know, how to create a blank new project in GitLab, please refer to this tutorial.

Step 7 – Push the project from the local repository to the Gitlab Repository

To know, how to push the changes in GitLab, please refer to this tutorial.

Step 8 – Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the project in GitLab

There are many ways to create a new file in GitLab. One of the ways is to create a file as shown in the below image.

It is a YAML file where you configure specific instructions for GitLab CI/CD. In the .gitlab-ci.yml, we can define:

  • The scripts you want to run.
  • Other configuration files and templates you want to include.
  • Dependencies and caches.
  • The commands you want to run in sequence and those you want to run in parallel.
  • The location to deploy your application to.
  • Whether you want to run the scripts automatically or trigger any of them manually.

Below is the sample pipeline.

  - test

image: ppandiyan/robotframework

  stage: test
    - robot --outputdir testOutput .
      - testOutput
    expire_in: 1 day

Image – ppandiyan/robotframework is used in this test. This docker file contains headlesschrome, headlessfirefox and Python2.7.

This gitlab-ci.yml has only 1 stage – a test that contains the command to run the tests as well as also create an artifact that contains all the surefire reports which can be saved as Test Evidence.

Step 9 – Run the tests in the GitLab pipeline

Now, when a new change is committed, a pipeline kicks off and it runs all the tests.

Step 10 – Check the status of the pipeline

Once the Status of the pipeline changes to either failed or passed that means the tests are already executed.

Let us see the logs of the execution it shows that all the tests are passed here.

As I have added an artifact also in the gitalb-ci.yml, which is highlighted in the image. This artifact creates a folder with the name “testOutput” and the folder contains reports, logs as well as output files. This artifact gives us the option to download the reports or browse the report. This report will be available for 1 day only as mentioned in the gitlab-ci.yml.

Step 11 – Download the report

Once, will click on the download button, it will download “”. Unzip the folder and it looks like something as shown below:

Example of Report.html

Example of Log.html

Congratulations. This tutorial has explained the steps to run Robot Framework tests in GitLab CI/CD. Happy Learning!!

How to perform API Testing in Robot Framework


In this article, we will discuss in detail how we can perform API testing in Robot Framework


  1. Install Python
  2. Install PIP
  3. Install Robot Framework
  4. Install Robot framework Selenium Library
  5. Install PyCharm IDE

Please refer to this tutorial to install Robot Framework – How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python.

RequestLibrary is a Robot Framework library aimed to provide HTTP API testing functionalities by wrapping the well-known Python Requests Library.

Implementation Steps:

Step 1.1 – Open PyCharm and create a new project. Go to File and select New Project from the main menu.

Step 1.2 – Choose the project location. Click the “Browse” button next to the Location field and specify the directory for your project.

Deselect the Create a welcome script checkbox because you will create a new Python file for this tutorial.

Click on the “Create” Button.

Step 1.3 – A new dialog appears asking to open the project using any one of the given options. I have selected New Window as I like to have separate windows for each project.

Below is the image of the new project created in PyCharms.

Step 2 – Install RequestLibrary

To install RequestLibrary, you need to use the below command:

pip install robotframework-requests

Step 3 – Add robotframework-requests package to the PyCharms

Go to File->Settings ->Project:RobotFramework_Demo ->Python Interpreter.

Click on the “+” sign and enter pabot in the search bar. It will show a list of packages. Select the “robotframework-requests” package and click on the “Install Package”.

Once the package is installed, we will see the message that the package is installed successfully.

Once the package is installed, it can be seen under the package list as shown below:

Step 4 – Create a new directory in the new project

Right-Click on the project, select New->Directory, and provide the name as API_Tests

Below is the image of the new directory.

Right-click on the new directory and select New File and provide the name as API_Demo.robot as shown below:

Step 5 – Create API tests in Robot Framework

GET Request

The corresponding API Test in Robot Framework.

*** Settings ***
Library     RequestsLibrary
Library     Collections

*** Variables ***
${page_id}          2

*** Test Cases ***

Quick Get Request Test
    ${response}=    GET      ${base_url}     params=page=${page_id}   expected_status=200
    log    ${response.json()}
    Should Be Equal As Strings    6  ${response.json()}[per_page]
    Should Be Equal As Strings    12  ${response.json()}[total]
    Should Be Equal As Strings    7  ${response.json()}[data][0][id]

The corresponding log of this request is

${response}= We are saving the response of the GET operation in the ${response} variable.

The response is logged in the log by using the below command:

 log    ${response.json()}

POST Request

The corresponding API Test in Robot Framework.

*** Settings ***
Library     RequestsLibrary
Library     Collections

*** Variables ***
${page_id}          2
${expectedname}     test
${expectedjob}      team leader

*** Test Cases ***

Quick POST Request Test
    &{req_body}=  Create Dictionary    name=test        job=team leader
    ${response}=     POST        ${base_url}     json=${req_body}    expected_status=201
    log      ${response.json()}
    Dictionary Should Contain Key     ${response.json()}     id
    ${name}=    Get From Dictionary     ${response.json()}    name
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${expectedname}   ${name}

    ${job}=    Get From Dictionary     ${response.json()}    job
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${expectedjob}    ${job}

The corresponding log of this request is

1.Create Dictionary – This keyword is used from BuiltIn Library. It creates and returns a dictionary based on the given Items. Items are typically given using the key=value syntax.

2. Dictionary should contain key – This keyword is used from Collections library. It is used to verify if the specified key is present in the dictionary.

3. Get From Dictionary – This keyword is used from the Collections library. It is used to return a value from the given dictionary based on the given key. Here, it is used to check the values of the key name and job.

PUT Request

The corresponding API Test in Robot Framework.

*** Settings ***
Library     RequestsLibrary
Library     Collections

*** Variables ***
${updated_expectedname}     update_test
${updated_expectedjob}      resident

*** Test Cases ***

Quick PUT Request Test
    &{req_body}=  Create Dictionary    name=update_test        job=resident
    ${response}=     PUT        ${base_url}+/2     json=${req_body}    expected_status=200
    log      ${response.json()}

    Dictionary Should Contain Key     ${response.json()}     name
    ${name}=    Get From Dictionary     ${response.json()}    name
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${updated_expectedname}    ${name}

    Dictionary Should Contain Key     ${response.json()}     job
    ${job}=    Get From Dictionary     ${response.json()}    job
    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${updated_expectedjob}    ${job}

The corresponding log of this request is

DELETE Request

The corresponding API Test in Robot Framework.

*** Settings ***
Library     RequestsLibrary

*** Variables ***

*** Test Cases ***

Quick DELETE Request Test
     ${delete_resp}=   DELETE    ${base_url}+/2           expected_status=204

The corresponding log of this request is

The complete program looks like

Step 6 – Execute the tests

We need the below command to run the Robot Framework script.

robot API_DEMO.robot

The output of the above program is

Step 7 – View Report and Log

We have the test case passed. The Robot Framework generates log.html, output.xml, and report.html by default.

Let us now see the report and log details.


Right-click on report.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

The Report generated by the framework is shown below:


Robot Framework has multiple log levels that control what is shown in the automatically generated log file. The default Robot Framework log level is INFO.

Right-click on log.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Additional Tutorials

How to Install Python on Windows 11
How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python
How to rerun failed tests in Robot Framework
Page Object Model in the Robot Framework
Parallel Testing in Robot Framework
How to load data from CSV files in the Robot Framework?

How to run parameterized Robot Framework tests in Jenkins


When running your Jenkins automation jobs, you may need to pass some parameters to your scripts. These parameters can be a URL, a browser name, or even the test user’s credentials. This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a parameterized Jenkins job for Robot Framework.

It is recommended to go through these tutorials, before creating a parameterized Jenkins job:-

Download and install Jenkins on Windows10


Types of parameters

Jenkins supports several parameter types. Below is a list of the most common ones, but keep in mind that different plugins may add new parameter types:

  • String: any combination of characters and numbers
  • Choice: a pre-defined set of strings from which a user can pick a value
  • Credentials: a pre-defined Jenkins credential
  • File: the full path to a file on the filesystem
  • Multi-line String: same as String, but allows newline characters
  • Password: similar to the Credentials type, but allows us to pass a plain text parameter specific to the job or pipeline
  • Run: an absolute URL to a single run of another job

Implementation Steps

Step 1: Create a new FreeStyle project

  1. Give the Name of the project – RobotFramework_Demo.
  2. Click on the FreeStyle project. 
  3. Click on the OK button.

Step 2: Description of the project

In the General section, enter the project description in the Description box.

Check the option – This project is parameterized.

Click on Add Parameter, and we can select any option as shown in the above image.

Step 3: Select the Choice Parameter

Choice Parameter

As I want to run my tests on different browsers, I have selected Choice Parameter.

  1. Give the Name of the Parameter.
  2. Give the Choices of the Parameter – Chrome, Firefox, IE
  3. Give the Description of the Parameter – Select any browser to run the tests (optional).

Step 4: Select a custom workspace

Mention the full path of the project in the Use custom workspace.

Step 5: Source Code Management

In the Source Code Management section, select None.

Step 6: Build Management

Go to the Build section of the new job. Select “Execute Windows batch command”.

Mention the command needed to execute the tests. In this case, I have to execute all the tests, so used the below command:

robot --variable browser_name:"%browserName%" --include "%Tags%" .

Step 7: Select “HTML Reports” from “Post Build Actions

Scroll down to Post Build Actions” and click on the “Add Post Build Actions” drop-down list.

Select “Publish HTML Reports“. 

Enter the HTML directory to archive – Empty, Index page[s] – report.html, and Report title – HTML Report.

Click on the Apply and Save buttons.

If you want to see where the report is saved in Jenkins, go to the Dashboard -> RobotFramework_Demo -> Workspace -> report.html.

We have created a new project “RobotFramework_Demo“.

Step 8: Execute the tests

Let’s execute it now by clicking on the “Build with Parameters” button.

This screen contains the parameters which we have to select. The browser was a choice parameter and selecting a parameter from it and Tags was also a Choice parameter, so mention the tags in it and click on the “Build” button.

Right-click on Build Number (here in my case it is #11).

Click on Console Output to see the result.

Step 9: View the HTML Report

Once the execution is completed, click on go “Back to Project“, and we could see a link to view the “HTML Report“.

Click on the HTML Report. It displays the summary of the tests.

Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!! Cheers!!

Additional Tutorials

How to Install Python on Windows 11
How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python
How to rerun failed tests in Robot Framework
Page Object Model in the Robot Framework
 How to set variable values from Runtime command in Robot Framework
How to load data from CSV files in the Robot Framework?

Parallel Testing in the Robot Framework


In this tutorial, we will discuss running the tests parallelly in the Robot Framework. To run the tests parallelly, we need to have pabot installed on the machine. Pabot is a parallel test runner for Robot Framework. It can be used to run tests in parallel on a single machine with multiple processes.

What is Parallel Testing?

Parallel testing is an automated testing process that allows developers and testers to run numerous tests against various real-world device combinations and browser setups at the same time. Parallel testing aims to solve time restrictions by distributing tests across available resources.

For example, if 20 test cases take 100 minutes to complete, 10 parallel execution might run 2 test cases each, reducing overall testing time to 10 minutes.


  1. Install Python
  2. Install PIP
  3. Install Robot Framework
  4. Install Robot framework Selenium Library
  5. Install PyCharm IDE

Please refer to this tutorial to install Robot Framework – How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python.

Implementation Steps:

Step 1.1 – Open PyCharm and create a new project. Go to File and select New Project from the main menu.

Step 1.2 – Choose the project location. Click the “Browse” button next to the Location field and specify the directory for your project.

Deselect the Create a welcome script checkbox because you will create a new Python file for this tutorial.

Click on the “Create” Button.

Step 1.3 – A new dialog appears asking to open the project using any one of the given options. I have selected New Window as I like to have separate windows for each project.

Below is the image of the new project created in PyCharms.

Step 2 – Download pabot plugin

Go to command prompt and run the below mentioned command to download pabot:

 pip install -U robotframework-pabot

Step 3 – Add pabot package to the PyCharms

Go to File->Settings ->Project:RobotFramework_Demo ->Python Interpreter.

Click on the “+” sign and enter pabot in the search bar. It will show a list of packages. Select the “robotframework-pabot” package and click on the “Install Package”.

Once the package is installed, we will see the message that the package is installed successfully.

Once the package is installed, it can be seen under the package list as shown below:

Click the “Apply” and “OK” button.

Step 4 – Create 3 new directories in the new project

Right-Click on the project, select New->Directory, and provide the name as TestCases, Drivers, and Resources

Below is the image of the new directories.

Step 5 – Download ChromeBinaries and place them in the Drivers directory

This directory contains the browser binary in it. As we are using Chrome, will keep chromedriver.exe here.

The tests are going to use the Chrome browser, so we need to download the ChromeBinaries to open a blank browser in Chrome.

I will rename chromedriver.exe to Chrome.

Step 6 – Create Test Files

This directory contains multiple test case files consisting of test steps. 

Right-click on the new directory and select New File and provide the name as LoginPageTests.robot and ForgetPasswordTests.robot as shown below:

Below is the code for LoginPageTests.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation       Tests to login to Login Page
Library     SeleniumLibrary
Test Setup      Open the Browser with URL
Test Teardown   Close Browser Session
Resource       ../Resources/GenericResources.robot
Resource       ../Resources/LoginResources.robot
Resource      ../Resources/DashboardResources.robot

*** Test Cases ***

Validate Unsuccessful Login using invalid credentials

    LoginResources.Fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${invalid_password}
    LoginResources.Verify the error message is correct

Validate Unsuccessful Login for blank username

     LoginResources.Fill the login form     ${blank_username}       ${valid_password}
     LoginResources.Verify the error message is displayed for username

Validate Unsuccessful Login for blank password

     LoginResources.Fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${blank_password}
     LoginResources.Verify the error message is displayed for password

Validate successful Login

    LoginResources.Fill the login form     ${valid_username}       ${valid_password}
    DashboardResources.Verify Dashboard page opens

Below is the code for ForgetPasswordTests.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation       Tests to validate Forgot Your Password Page functionality
Library     SeleniumLibrary
Test Setup      Open the Browser with URL
Test Teardown   Close Browser Session
Resource       ../Resources/GenericResources.robot
Resource       ../Resources/LoginResources.robot
Resource      ../Resources/ForgetPasswordResources.robot

*** Test Cases ***

Validate Reset Password Functionality

    LoginResources.Go to Forgot Your Password Page
    ForgetPasswordResources.Verify Forgot Your Password Page opens
    ForgetPasswordResources.Fill the Forgot Password Page
    ForgetPasswordResources.Verify the message

Validate Cancel Functionality

    LoginResources.Go to Forgot Your Password Page
    ForgetPasswordResources.Verify Forgot Your Password Page opens
    ForgetPasswordResources.Cancel the Reset Password
    ForgetPasswordResources.Verify that Login Page is displayed

Step 7 – Create Resources file for each page

It maintains the files which contain page elements as well as corresponding keywords. 

Right-click on the new directory and select New File and provide the name as LoginResources.robot, DashboardResources.robot, GenericResources.robot, and ForgetPasswordResources.robot as shown below:

GenericResources.robot contains the keywords that are common to all the tests, like the opening of the browser or closing of the browser.

*** Settings ***
Documentation    A resource file with reusable keywords and variables.
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${valid_username}     Admin
${valid_password}       admin123
${invalid_username}     1234
${invalid_password}     45678
${browser_name}      Chrome

*** Keywords ***

Open the Browser with URL
    Create Webdriver    ${browser_name}  executable_path=/Vibha_Personal/RobotFramework_Demo/drivers/${browser_name}
    Go To       ${url}
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Close Browser Session
    Close Browser

Below is the code for LoginResources.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation        All the page objects and keywords of landing page
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${login_error_message}      css:.oxd-alert-content--error
${dashboard_title}       css:.oxd-topbar-header-breadcrumb-module
${missing_username_error_message}    xpath://*[@class='oxd-form']/div[1]/div/span
${missing_password_error_message}   xpath://*[@class='oxd-form']/div[2]/div/span
${forgot_password_link}   xpath://div[@class='orangehrm-login-forgot']/p

*** Keywords ***

Fill the login form
    [Arguments]    ${username}      ${password}
   Input Text    css:input[name=username]   ${username}
   Input Password    css:input[name=password]   ${password}
   Click Button    css:.orangehrm-login-button

Verify the error message is correct
    Element Text Should Be    ${login_error_message}    Invalid credentials

Verify the error message is displayed for username
     Element Text Should Be    ${missing_username_error_message}      Required

Verify the error message is displayed for password
      Element Text Should Be    ${missing_password_error_message}      Required

Go to Forgot Your Password Page
    Click Element      ${forgot_password_link}

Below is the code for DashboardResources.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation        All the page objects and keywords of Dashboard page
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${dashboard_title}       css:.oxd-topbar-header-breadcrumb-module

*** Keywords ***

Verify Dashboard page opens
    Element Text Should Be    ${dashboard_title}      Dashboard

Below is the code for ForgetPasswordResources.robot

*** Settings ***
Documentation       All the page objects and keywords of Forget Password page
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${forgot_page_title}       css:.orangehrm-forgot-password-title
${username}     css:.oxd-input--active
${reset_btn}     css:.orangehrm-forgot-password-button--reset
${cancel_btn}    css:.orangehrm-forgot-password-button--cancel
${reset_message}      xpath://div[@class='orangehrm-card-container']/h6
${login_page_title}   xpath://*[@class='orangehrm-login-slot']/h5

*** Keywords ***

Verify Forgot Your Password Page opens
    Element Text Should Be    ${forgot_page_title}      Reset Password

Fill the Forgot Password Page
   Input Text        ${username}
   Click Button    ${reset_btn}

Verify the message
    Element Text Should Be    ${reset_message}      Reset Password link sent successfully

Cancel the Reset Password
    Click Button    ${cancel_btn}

Verify that Login Page is displayed
    Element Text Should Be    ${login_page_title}       Login

All the below-mentioned keywords are derived from SeleniumLibrary. The functionality of keywords mentioned above:

1. Create Webdriver − The keyword creates an instance of Selenium WebDriver.

2. Go To – This keyword navigates the current browser window to the provided URL.

3. Maximize Browser Window – This keyword maximizes the current browser window.

4. Set Selenium Implicit Wait – This keyword sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium.

5. Input Text − This keyword is used to type the given text in the specified textbox identified by the locator name:username.

6. Input Password – This keyword is used to type the given text in the specified password identified by the locator name:password.

The difference compared to Input Text is that this keyword does not log the given password on the INFO level.

7. Click button – This keyword is used to click the button identified by the locator. In this case, it is “Login” button.

8. Element Text Should Be – This keyword is used to verify that the current page contains the exact text identified by the locator. Here, we are checking the exact text “Invalid Credentials”.

These keywords are present in SeleniumLibrary. To know more about these keywords, please refer to this document –

To run this script, go to the command line and go to directory tests.

Step 8 – Split execution to suite files

We need the below command to run the Robot Framework script. This will start all the test suites parallelly. We have 2 test files, so they started parallelly.

pabot .

The output of the above program is

Step 9 – View Report and Log

We have the test case passed. The Robot Framework generates log.html, output.xml, and report.html by default.

Let us now see the report and log details.


Right-click on report.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

The Report generated by the framework is shown below:


Robot Framework has multiple log levels that control what is shown in the automatically generated log file. The default Robot Framework log level is INFO.

Right-click on log.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome(any browser of your wish).

Step 10 – Split execution on test level

In this case, the tests present in a test file will be executed parallelly.

 pabot --testlevelsplit LoginPageTests.robot

The below image shows that all the tests present in LoginPageTests.robot file started parallelly.

The below report shows that all the tests are started simultaneously.

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Additional Tutorials

How to Install Python on Windows 11
How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python
How to rerun failed tests in Robot Framework
Page Object Model in the Robot Framework
How to integrate Robot Framework with Jenkins
How to load data from CSV files in the Robot Framework?