Serenity BDD with Cucumber and JUnit4 for Web Application


  • Rich built-in support for web testing with Selenium.
  • REST API testing with Rest Assured.
  • Highly readable, maintainable, and scalable automated testing with the Screenplay pattern.

Relationship between Web Application, Serenity BDD, Cucumber, and Selenium

Implementation Steps

Step 1: Add Serenity, Cucumber, and JUnit4 dependencies to the Maven project

The pom.xml will look like something as shown below.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""














Step 2: Create a Feature File under src/test/resources

Feature File is an entry point to the Cucumber tests. This is a file where you will describe your tests in Descriptive language (Like English). A feature file can contain a scenario or can contain many scenarios in a single feature file. Below is an example of a Feature file.

Feature: Login Page

   Scenario: Login with valid credentials
    Given User is on Home page
    When User enters username as "Admin"
    And User enters password as "admin123"
    Then User should be able to login successfully
   Scenario Outline: Login with invalid credentials
    Given User is on Home page
    When User enters username as '<username>'
    And User enters password as '<password>'
    Then User should be able to see error message '<errorMessage>'
   | username   | password  | errorMessage                      |
   | $$$$$      | ££££££££  | Invalid credentials               |
   | admin      | Admin123  | Invalid credentials               | 
   | Admin123   | admin     | Invalid credentials               |  

Step 3: Create the Step Definition class

The glue code shown below uses Serenity step libraries as action classes to make the tests easier to read and to improve maintainability.

These classes declare using the Serenity @Steps annotation. The @Steps annotation tells Serenity to create a new instance of the class, and inject any other steps or page objects that this instance might need.

Each action class models a particular facet of user behavior: navigating to a particular page, performing a search, or retrieving the results of a search. These classes design to be small and self-contained, which makes them more stable and easier to maintain.

LoginPageDefinition contains the steps to open the web browser, enter the username, enter the password and click on the Login Button

package com.example.definitions;

import com.example.steps.StepDashboardPage;
import com.example.steps.StepLoginPage;
import net.serenitybdd.annotations.Steps;
import org.junit.Assert;

public class LoginPageDefinitions {

    StepLoginPage loginPage;

    StepDashboardPage dashPage;

    @Given("User is on Home page")
    public void openApplication() {;
        System.out.println("Page is opened");

    @When("User enters username as {string}")
    public void enterUsername(String userName) {
        System.out.println("Enter Username");

    @When("User enters password as {string}")
    public void enterPassword(String passWord) {


    @Then("User should be able to login successfully")
    public void clickOnLoginButton() {

    @Then("User should be able to see error message {string}")
    public void unsucessfulLogin(String expectedErrorMessage) throws InterruptedException {

        String actualErrorMessage = loginPage.errorMessage();
        Assert.assertEquals(expectedErrorMessage, actualErrorMessage);


This annotation lets you define a URL or a set of URLs that work with a particular page.


StepLoginPage is created by extending it from PageObject class. In this class,   $() method used below, which locates a web element using a By locator or an XPath or CSS expression. This class is responsible for uniquely locating elements on the page, and it does this by defining locators or occasionally by resolving web elements dynamically.

package com.example.steps;

import net.serenitybdd.annotations.Step;
import net.serenitybdd.core.pages.PageObject;
import net.serenitybdd.core.pages.WebElementFacade;

public class StepLoginPage extends PageObject {

    @FindBy(name = "username")
    WebElementFacade username;

    @FindBy(name = "password")
    WebElementFacade password;

    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/form/div[3]/button")
    WebElementFacade submitButton;

    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/p")
    WebElementFacade errorMessage;

    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[2]/form/div[4]/p")
    WebElementFacade linkText;

    @Step("Enter Username")
    public void inputUserName(String userName) {

    @Step("Enter Password")
    public void inputPassword(String passWord) {

    @Step("Click Submit Button")
    public void clickLogin() {;

    @Step("Error Message on unsuccessful login")
    public String errorMessage() {
        String actualErrorMessage = errorMessage.getText();
        return actualErrorMessage;


StepDashboardPage is also created by extending Page Object Model. Here, we are verifying the Dashboard page

package com.example.steps;

import net.serenitybdd.core.pages.PageObject;
import net.serenitybdd.core.pages.WebElementFacade;
import org.junit.Assert;

public class StepDashboardPage extends PageObject {

    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='app']/div[1]/div[1]/header/div[1]/div[1]/span/h6")
    WebElementFacade dashboardText;

    public void loginVerify() {

        String dashboardTitle = dashboardText.getText();

Step 4: Create Serenity Test Runner under src/test/java

We cannot run a Feature file on its own in a cucumber-based framework. We need to create a Java class, which will run the Feature File. It is the starting point for JUnit to start executing the tests. TestRunner class creates under src/test/java. When you run the tests with serenity, you use the CucumberWithSerenity test runner. If the feature files are not in the same package as the test runner class, you also need to use the @CucumberOptions class to provide the root directory where the feature files found.

import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import net.serenitybdd.cucumber.CucumberWithSerenity;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

@CucumberOptions(plugin = { "pretty" }, features = "src/test/resources/features/LoginPage.feature",

public class SerenityRunnerTests {}

Step 5: Create serenity.conf (Configuration File)

Serenity uses serenity.conf file in the src/test/resources directory to configure test execution options. serenity.config can also contain the environment URL and other options like headless mode and soon. 

headless.mode = false

webdriver {
  driver = chrome
  capabilities {
    browserName = "chrome"
    acceptInsecureCerts = true
    "goog:chromeOptions" {
      args = ["remote-allow-origins=*","test-type", "no-sandbox", "ignore-certificate-errors", "--window-size=1920,1080",
        "incognito", "disable-infobars", "disable-gpu", "disable-default-apps", "disable-popup-blocking",
        "disable-dev-shm-usage", "disable-extensions", "disable-web-security", "disable-translate", "disable-logging"]

# Define drivers for different platforms. Serenity will automatically pick the correct driver for the current platform

environments {
  default {
    webdriver.base.url = ""
  dev {
    webdriver.base.url = ""
  staging {
    webdriver.base.url = ""
  prod {
    webdriver.base.url = ""
} = Serenity and Cucumber and JUnit4 Demo

Step 7: Executing the tests as JUnit Tests

We can run the tests as JUnit tests. Right-click on the Runner class and select Run As Junit Test (Eclipse).

Step 8: Executing the tests through the command line

You can run the tests from the command line by using the below command:

mvn clean verify

By default, the tests will run using Firefox. You can run them in Chrome by overriding the driver system property, e.g.

$ mvn clean verify -Ddriver=chrome

The test execution status looks like something this

Step 9: View the Serenity Reports

The test report generated by Serenity is placed under target/site/serenity.

There are a lot of reports under the Serenity folder. But we are interested in 2 reports – index.html and serenity-summary.html.



Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!! Cheers!!

Additional Tutorials:

Serenity BDD with Cucumber for SpringBoot Application
Serenity BDD with Cucumber and Rest Assured
Serenity Report for Web Application with Cucumber6 and Junit
Serenity Emailable HTML Report
Serenity BDD with Gradle and Cucumber for Web Application

4 thoughts on “Serenity BDD with Cucumber and JUnit4 for Web Application

  1. Hello Vibha ,

    Kindly I am using serenity framework , i have issue with my project , can’t execute my tests via feature file , or test runner , the console doesn’t show a clear description of the error , can you share your email so i can send you screenshots of my POM ?

    Best regards


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