TestNG Tutorials


Chapter 1 Introduction to TestNG
Chapter 2 How to download and install TestNG in Eclipse
Chapter 3 TestNG Annotations
Chapter 4 Assertions in TestNG
Chapter 5 Hard Assert and Soft Assert
Chapter 6 How to create and run TestNG.xml of a TestNG class
Chapter 7 Run TestNG tests from Command Line
Chapter 8 Execute Testng.xml using batch file
Chapter 9 How to pass Parameters in TestNG
Chapter 10 Prioritizing Test Cases in TestNG: Complete Guide
Chapter 11 How to disable Selenium Test Cases using TestNG Feature – @Ignore
Chapter 12 How to Use dependsOnMethods() in TestNG for Selenium Test Case Dependency
Chapter 13 How to group Tests in Selenium
Chapter 14 InvocationCount in TestNG
Chapter 14 How to run Parallel Tests in Selenium with TestNG
Chapter 15 Cross Browser Testing using Selenium and TestNG
Chapter 16 Screenshot of Failed Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver
Chapter 17 TestNG Listeners in Selenium
Chapter 18 How to Retry failed tests in TestNG – IRetryAnalyzer
Chapter 19 DataProviders in TestNG
Chapter 20 DataProvider in TestNG using Excel
Chapter 21 Parallel testing of DataProviders in TestNG
Chapter 22 TestNG Interview Questions

Test Framework (Maven)

Chapter 1 Integration of REST Assured with TestNG
Chapter 2 Integration of Cucumber with Selenium and TestNG
Chapter 3 Integration Testing of Springboot with Cucumber and TestNG

Test Framework (Gradle)

Chapter 1 How to create Gradle project with Selenium and TestNG
Chapter 2 Gradle Project with Cucumber, Selenium and TestNG

Allure Report with TestNG

Chapter 1 Gradle – Allure Report for Selenium and TestNG
Chapter 2 Gradle – Allure Report for Cucumber, Selenium and TestNG
Chapter 3 Integration of Allure Report with Rest Assured and TestNG
Chapter 4 Gradle – Allure Report for Selenium and TestNG

ExtentReports with TestNG

Chapter 1 ExtentReports Version 5 for Cucumber 6 and TestNG
Chapter 2 PDF ExtentReport for Cucumber and TestNG
Chapter 3 ExtentReports Version 5 for Cucumber 7 and TestNG

Assertion of JSON in Rest Assured using Hamcrest

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In this tutorial, we will discuss various types of Assertions present in Hamcrest that are used in Rest Assured.

Table Of Contents

  1. What is Assertion?
  2. What is Hamcrest?
    1. Number related assertions
    2. String related Assertions
    3. Not Assertion
    4. Multiple Assert Statements

What is Assertion?

An assertion is a way to verify that the expected result and the actual result match or not in the test case.  A test is considered successful ONLY if it is completed without throwing any exceptions. If the current value and the expected value match then the assertion passes and when the assertion passes nothing happens. But when an assertion fails, it will fail the test case.

There are various ways to perform assertions in API Testing. For API Testing, we are using Rest Assured, which uses either Hamcrest or JUnit assertions. We are going to discuss Hamcrest Assertions here.

What is Hamcrest?

Hamcrest is a framework for writing matcher objects, allowing ‘match’ rules to be defined declaratively. We do not need to add Hamcrest dependency explicitly as the Rest-Assured 4.3.3 version includes itself. To learn more about Hamcrest, please refer to this link.

We need to add the below dependency to use Hamcrest in the project.


To run all the scenarios mentioned below, please add the below-mentioned dependencies to the POM.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">




     <!-- Hamcrest Dependency -->

    <!-- TestNG Dependency -->

    <!-- Rest Assured -->


Below is an example of a JSON Response. I will perform various assertions on this JSON Response.

To use hamcrest assertion, please import the Matchers class, static member.

  1. equalTo – It checks whether the retrieved number from the response is equal to the expected number.
  2. greaterThan – checks extracted number is greater than the expected number.
  3. greaterThanOrEqualTo – checks whether the extracted number is greater than equal to the expected number.
  4. lessThan – It checks whether the retrieved number from the response is lesser than the expected number.
  5. lessThanOrEqualTo – It checks whether the retrieved number from the response is lesser than or equal to the expected number.

Below assertions are imported from the package shown below:-

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThan;

Below are examples to show the use of number-related assertions.

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThan;

public class HamcrestNumberExample {

    public String endpoint = "https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/1";

    public void numberAssertions() {
                .body("totalprice", equalTo(164));







The output of the above program is

  1. equalTo – It checks whether the extracted string from JSON is equal to the expected string.
  2. equalToIgnoringCaseIt checks whether the extracted string from JSON is equal to the expected string without considering the case (small or capital).
  3. equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace – It checks whether the extracted string from JSON is equal to the expected string by considering the white spaces.
  4. containsString – It checks whether the extracted string from JSON contains the expected string as a substring.
  5. startsWith It checks whether the extracted string from JSON is starting with a given string or character.
  6. endsWithIt checks whether the extracted string from JSON is ending with a given string or character.

Below assertions are imported from the package shown below:-

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.endsWith;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalToIgnoringCase;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace;

Below are examples to show the use of string-related assertions.

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.endsWith;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalToIgnoringCase;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace;

public class HamcrestStringAssertions {

    public String endpoint = "https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/1";

    public void stringAssertions() {





                .then().body("firstname",equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace("   Mary "));


The output of the above program is

nullValue – It checks whether the extracted response from JSON is NULL or Not.

Below assertions are imported from the package shown below:-

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasKey;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue;

Below are examples to show the use of collection-related assertions.

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue;

public class HamcrestNullAssertion {
   public String endpoint = "https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/1";

    public void nullAssertion() {
                .then().body("totalprice1", is(nullValue()));

The output of the above program is

hasKey – It checks whether the extracted map has an expected key.

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasKey;

public class HamcrestHasKeyAssertion {
    public String endpoint = "https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/1";

    public void collectionAssertions() {



The output of the above program is

Not Assertion

The not assertion inverts the meaning of the other assertions. For example, if you want to perform negative assertions, then we can use any assertions with NOT.

The below assertion is imported from the package shown below:-

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;

Below are examples to show the use of negative assertions.

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class HamcrestNotAssertion {
    public String endpoint = "https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/1";

    public void negativeAssertions() {


The output of the above program is

Multiple Assert Statements

In the below example, all 3 assertions will fail, but it will only execute the assertion and the first assertion is failed, then other assertions will not be executed.

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;

public class HamcrestMultipleAssertions {

    public String endpoint = "https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/1";
    public void test1() {
                .body("firstname", equalTo("Jim"), // will fail
                        "lastname", equalTo("Smith"), // will fail
                        "totalprice", equalTo(314)); // will fail


The output of the above program is

To execute all the assertions present in the test case, we have to combine all the assertions into a single body, just like below. You can see that all the assertions failed, and they are shown in the response.

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;

public class HamcrestMultipleAssertions {

    public String endpoint = "https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/1";
    public void test1() {
                .body("firstname", equalTo("Jim"), // will fail
                        "lastname", equalTo("Smith"), // will fail
                        "totalprice", equalTo(314)); // will fail


The output of the above program is

I have tried to show the use of a few of the most commonly used assertion methods. There are many more methods available in Hamcrest package. To know about other methods, write import static org.hamcrest.Matchers and add (.) at the end, it will show the list of all the methods available in Hamcrest.

We are done! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

How to test POST JSON Object request using Java Map in Rest Assured
How to create JSON Array Request Body
Extraction from JSON in Rest Assured
How To Send A JSON/XML File As Payload To Request using Rest Assured
Logging in Rest Assured

Assertions in ReadyAPI


What is an Assertion?

An assertion is used to test a logical expression. An assertion is true if the logical expression that is being tested is true and there are no bugs in the program. It can also be interpreted as a checkpoint or a validation point.

There are various types of assertions available in ReadyAPI. They are:-

  1. Property Content
  2. Compliance, Status and Standards
  3. Script
  4. SLA
  5. JMS Response
  6. Security

Example 1 – SLA Assertion

Let’s create an assertion that will check if the tested web service responds within a predefined time limit:

In Functional Tests, select POST Request in the Navigator panel and click Add Assertion:

In the dialog, select the SLA category on the left and then Response SLA on the right, and click Add

Let’s use 3000 milliseconds as the maximum allowed response time for our request. Enter 3000 and click the OK button.

Now, if the request takes longer than the specified number of milliseconds to complete, the assertion will trigger, and the test will fail. If the execution time is less than or equal to the specified value, the check will pass.

Run the request and see the SLA Response. This image shows that Response SLA Assertion is passed.

Example 2 – Check Response Contents

Now let’s see how you can verify response data. The sample response body has the JSON data format, so we will create an assertion for JSON data.

Make sure the request has a response.

In the subsequent dialog, select the Property Content category on the left and the JsonPath Match assertion on the right and click Add:

In the dialog, you need to enter a JSONPath expression that will extract some field from the response body and the expected value of this field:

Select the node on the toolbar and pick a value visually in the subsequent dialog. Let’s do this. Click the highlighted icon and select the name field of the first array item in the following dialog and click the OK button:

The JSONPath Expression field now contains the selector, and Expected Result contains the value extracted from the current response data:

Click the Save button to store the changes.

Since we have response data, the assertion will be applied immediately, and you will see its results on the Assertions page:

Example 3 – Check CONTAINS Assertion

In the subsequent dialog, select the Property Content category on the left and the JsonPath Match assertion on the right and click Add:

In the Contains Assertion dialog, I have mentioned “success” in Content which is present in the response body.

This image shows that the Contains Assertion is passed.

Now, let us add another Contains Assertion which does not contain the response body. In this case, the Assertion fails.

Example 4 – Smart Assertion

The Smart Assertion checks both the message content and the metadata such as headers, status codes, and parameters in accordance with the predefined set of rules.

To use this assertion, you need a ReadyAPI Test Pro license.

Send the request at least once so that ReadyAPI has a response to base the assertion on.

Received Data – The assertion will verify the payload of the request.

  • Received Metadata – The assertion will verify the metadata of the request; depending on the protocol, those can include headers, the HTTP status code, or Kafka partition and key values.

As I know, the Id value is dynamic for each response. So, I have unchecked that option.

The below image shows that the Smart Assertion is successful.

Now, let us add the id to the Smart Assertion.

This image shows that Smart Assertion is failing now.

We are done! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Testing of SpringBoot REST Application using Serenity BDD and Rest Assured for GET Method


In the previous tutorial, I have explain about SpringBoot and how to perform Integration testing of SpringBoot Application in BDD format using Serenity BDD and Cucumber. In this tutorial, I will explain about the Integration testing of SpringBoot Application for GET method.

Spring Boot is an open-source micro framework which provides Java developers with a platform to get started with an auto configurable production-grade Spring application. 

In this tutorial, lets see a SpringBoot  REST Application and how it can be tested with the help of Rest Assured and Serenity

Below is the structure of a SpringBoot  application project

Below are various Java classes present in a SpringBoot REST Application/API

  • SpringBootRestServiceApplication.java – The Spring Boot Application class generated with Spring Initializer. This class acts as the launching point for application.
  • pom.xml – Contains all the dependencies needed to build this project. 
  • Student.java – This is JPA Entity for Student class
  • StudentRepository.java – This is JPA Repository for Student. This is created using Spring Data JpaRepository.
  • StudentController.java – Spring Rest Controller exposing all services on the student resource.
  • CustomizedExceptionHandler.java – This implements global exception handling and customize the responses based on the exception type.
  • ErrorDetails.java – Response Bean to use when exceptions are thrown from API.
  • StudentNotFoundException.java – Exception thrown from resources when student is not found.
  • data.sql –  Data is loaded from data.sql into Student table. Spring Boot would execute this script after the tables are created from the entities.

HTTP also defines standard response codes.

  • 200 – SUCESS
  • 400 – BAD REQUEST
  • 201 – CREATED
  • 415 – UNSUPPORTED TYPE – Representation not supported for the resource
  • 500 – SERVER ERROR 

Let’s consider a few HTTP Methods:

  • GET : Should not update anything. Should return same result in multiple calls.

Possible Return Codes 200 (OK) + 404 (NOT FOUND) +400 (BAD REQUEST) 

  • POST : Should create a new resource. Ideally return JSON with link to newly created resource. Same return codes as get possible. In addition – Return code 201 (CREATED) can be used.
  • PUT : Update a known resource. ex: update client details. Possible Return Codes : 200(OK) + 404 (NOT FOUND) +400 (BAD REQUEST) 
  • DELETE : Used to delete a resource. Possible Return Codes : 200(OK).

We will create a Student Resource exposing three services using proper URIs and HTTP methods:

  • Retrieve all Students – @GetMapping(“/students”)
  • Get details of specific student – @GetMapping(“/students/{id}”)
  • Delete a student – @DeleteMapping(“/students/{id}”)
  • Create a new student – @PostMapping(“/students”)
  • Update student details – @PutMapping(“/students/{id}”)

To Test a SpringBoot Application for GET Method, we are using Rest Assured with Serenity BDD. Below mentioned dependencies are added in POM.xml







First, let us see what are @RestController, @AutoWired, @GetMapping and @PathVariable annotations.

1. @RestController

SpringBoot RestController annotation is use to create RESTful web services using Spring MVC. Spring RestController takes care of mapping request data to the request defined handles method.

2. @Autowired

The Spring framework enables automatic dependency injection. In other words, by declaring all the bean dependencies in a Spring configuration file, Spring container can autowire relationships between collaborating beans. This is called Spring bean autowiring. To know more about Autowired, you can refer this tutorial.

3. @GetMapping

It is annotation for mapping HTTP GET requests onto specific handler methods.
Specifically, @GetMapping is a composed annotation that acts as a shortcut for @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)

4. @PathVariable

This annotation can be used to handle template variables in the request URI mapping, and use them as method parameters.
In this example, we use @PathVariable annotation to extract the templated part of the URI represented by the variable {id}.

A simple GET request to /students/{id} will invoke retrieveStudent with the extracted id value


Code of StudentController.java is below

public class StudentController {

     private StudentRepository studentRepository;

     public List retrieveAllStudents() {
           return studentRepository.findAll();

     public EntityModel retrieveStudent(@PathVariable long id) {
           Optional student = studentRepository.findById(id);
           if (!student.isPresent())
                throw new StudentNotFoundException("id-" + id);
           EntityModel resource = EntityModel.of(student.get());

           WebMvcLinkBuilder linkTo = linkTo(methodOn(this.getClass()).retrieveAllStudents());
           return resource;

Scenario 1- Below picture shows how we can execute a Get Request Method on a Resource using Postman

Above scenario can be tested in the below way.

 Scenario Outline: Send a valid Request to get user details
  Given I send a request to the URL "/students" to get user details
  Then the response will return status 200 and id and names and passport_no 
    |studentID    |studentNames  |studentPassportNo|
    |10010        |Tom           |A1234567         |
    |10020        |Shawn         |B1234568         |
    |10030        |John          |C1239875         |

Test Code to test above scenario (StepDefinition file)

@SpringBootTest(classes = com.springboot.rest.demo.SpringBootRestServiceApplication.class, webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)

public class GetStudentsDefinition {
     private final static String BASE_URI = "http://localhost";
     private int port;
     private ValidatableResponse validatableResponse;
     private void configureRestAssured() {
           RestAssured.baseURI = BASE_URI;
           RestAssured.port = port;
     protected RequestSpecification getAnonymousRequest() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
           return given();
     @Given("^I send a request to the URL \"([^\"]*)\" to get user details$")
     public void iSendARequest(String endpoint) throws Throwable {
           validatableResponse = getAnonymousRequest().contentType(ContentType.JSON)
     @Then("^the response will return status (\\d+) and id (.*) and names (.*) and passport_no (.*)$")
     public void extractResponse(int status, String id, String studentName, 
     String passportNo) {

1. The @SpringBootTest annotation tells Spring Boot to look for a main configuration class (one with @SpringBootApplication, for instance) and use that to start a Spring application context.

2. WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT is used to create run the application at some random server port.

3. For assertion purpose, we use Hamcrest Matchers. Hamcrest is a framework for software tests. Hamcrest allows checking for conditions in your code via existing matchers classes. It also allows you to define your custom matcher implementations.

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;

4. @LocalServerPort gets the reference of port where the server has started. It helps in building the actual request URIs to mimic real client interactions.

5. ContentType.JSON is imported fromrestassured as well as ValidatableResponse

Scenario 2- Below picture shows how we can execute a Get Request Method to get detail of a specific Student. Here, we want details of student of Id 10020

   Scenario: Send a valid Request to get user details
    Given I send a request to the URL "/students/10020" to get user detail of a specific user
    Then the response will return status 200 and name "Shawn"

Test Code to test above scenario (StepDefinition file)

@Given("^I send a request to the URL \"([^\"]*)\" to get user detail of a specific user$")
     public void sendRequestForSpecificUser(String endpoint) throws Throwable {
           validatableResponse = getAnonymousRequest().contentType(ContentType.JSON).when().get(endpoint).then();
           System.out.println("RESPONSE :" + validatableResponse.extract().asString());
     @Then("^the response will return status (\\d+) and name \"([^\"]*)\"$")
     public void extractResponseOfSpecificUser(int status, String name) {
          validatableResponse.assertThat().statusCode(equalTo(status)).body("name", equalTo(name));

Scenario 3- Below picture shows how we can execute a Get Request Method for incorrect Student

   Scenario: Send a valid Request to get user details
    Given I send a request to the URL "/students/7" to get user detail of a specific user
    Then the response will return status 404 and message "id-7"

Test Code to test above scenario (StepDefinition file)

@Given("^I send a request to the URL \"([^\"]*)\" to get user detail of a specific user$")
     public void sendRequestForSpecificUser(String endpoint) throws Throwable {
           validatableResponse = getAnonymousRequest().contentType(ContentType.JSON).when().get(endpoint).then();
           System.out.println("RESPONSE :" + validatableResponse.extract().asString()); 
     @Then("^the response will return status (\\d+) and message \"([^\"]*)\"$")
     public void extractResponseOfInvalidUser(int status, String message) {
         validatableResponse.assertThat().statusCode(equalTo(status)).body("message", equalTo(message));

The next tutorial explains about the Testing of POST method in SpringBoot Application.

Assertions in TestNG


What is Assertion?

Assertions in TestNG are a way to verify that the expected result and the actual result matches or not in the test case.  A test is considered successful ONLY if it is completed without throwing any exception. An example of assertion can be logging into the website, checking the title of the webpage, verifying the functionality of an input box that takes only integers, etc.

Below are few commonly used assertions in TestNG.

1. Assert.assertEquals(String actual, String expected) – It takes two string arguments and checks whether both strings are equal or not. If they are not, it will fail the test and an AssertionError is thrown.

2. Assert.assertEquals(String actual, String expected, String message) – It takes two string arguments and checks whether both strings are equal or not. If they are not, it will fail the test and an AssertionError is thrown with message provided as argument.

3. Assert.assertEquals(boolean actual, boolean expected) – It takes two Boolean arguments and checks whether both are equal or not. If they are not, it will fail the test and an AssertionError is thrown.

4. Assert.assertEquals(java.util.Collection actual, java.util.Collection expected, java.lang.String message) – It takes two collection objects and verifies both collections contain the same elements and with the same order. If they are not, it will fail the test and an AssertionError is thrown.

5. Assert.assertTrue(condition) – It takes one boolean argument and checks that a condition is true or not. If not, it will fail the test and an AssertionError is thrown.

6. Assert.assertTrue(condition, message) – It takes one boolean argument and checks that a condition is true or not. If not, it will fail the test and an AssertionError is thrown with message provided as argument.

7. Assert.assertFalse(condition) – It takes one boolean argument and checks that a condition is false or not. If not, it will fail the test and an AssertionError is thrown.

8. Assert.assertFalse(condition, message) – It takes one boolean argument and checks that a condition is false or not. If not, it will fail the test and an AssertionError is thrown with message provided as argument.

9. Assert.assertSame(String actual, String expected) – It asserts that two objects refer to the same object. If they do not, an AssertionError is thrown.

10. Assert.assertNotSame(String actual, String expected) – It asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object. If they do, an AssertionError is thrown.

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestNGAssertionDemo {
            public void testAssertions() {
                        // test data
                        String str1 = new String("TestNG");
                        String str2 = new String("TestNG");
                        String str3 = null;
                        String str4 = "TestNG";
                        String str5 = "TestNG";
                        String str6 = new String("Not_TestNG");
                        int val1 = 5;
                        int val2 = 6;
                        // Check that two objects are equal
                        Assert.assertEquals(str1, str2);
                        System.out.println("Equals Assertion is successful");
                      // Check that two objects are not equal
                        Assert.assertNotEquals(str1, str6);
                        System.out.println("NotEquals Assertion is successful");
                        // Check that a condition is true
                        Assert.assertTrue(val1 < val2);
                        System.out.println("True Assertion is successful");
                        // Check that a condition is false
                        Assert.assertFalse(val1 > val2);
                        System.out.println("False Assertion is successful");
                        // Check that an object isn't null
                        System.out.println("Not Null Assertion is successful");
                        // Check that an object is null
                        // Check if two object references point to the same object
                        Assert.assertSame(str4, str5);
                        System.out.println("Same Assertion is successful");
                        // Check if two object references not point to the same object
                        Assert.assertNotSame(str1, str3);
                        System.out.println("Not Same Assertion is successful");

Equals Assertion is successful 
NotEquals Assertion is successful 
True Assertion is successful 
False Assertion is successful 
Not Null Assertion is successful 
Same Assertion is successful 
Not Same Assertion is successful 

Lets see if an assertion fails, how the output looks shown below. In the below example, we are verifying the pageTitle of Gmail. If the test fails, we should see the message provided in the assertion also.

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestNGAssertionFailureDemo {
            public void AssertionFailure() throws InterruptedException {
                        System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "src\\test\\resources\\webdrivers\\window\\geckodriver.exe");
                        WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
                        // Test Condition 1: If Page title matches with actualTitle then it finds email
                        // title and enters the value which we pass
                        String actualTitle = "Google";
                        String expectedTitle = driver.getTitle();
                        Assert.assertEquals(expectedTitle, actualTitle, "Incorrect page title");

FAILED: AssertionFailure
java.lang.AssertionError: Incorrect page title expected [Google] but found [Gmail]

You can show in the output console, there is an error message “Incorrect page title” as we have mentioned this message in the Assertion.