Testing of Web Application using Serenity with JUnit5

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In the previous tutorial, I explained about the Testing of Web Application using Serenity with JUnit4. In this tutorial, I’ll explain the Integration of Serenity BDD with JUnit5.

Table Of Contents

  1. Prerequisite
  2. Dependency List
  3. Structure of Project
  4. Implementation Steps
    1. Update Properties section in Maven pom.xml
    2. Add Serenity and JUnit dependencies to POM.xml
    3. Update Build Section of pom.xml
    4. Create Test Class sunder src/test/java folder
    5. Create serenity.conf file under src/test/resources
    6. Create serenity.properties file at the root of the project
    7. Run the tests through the command line
    8. Serenity Report Generation


  1. Java 11 installed
  2. Maven installed
  3. Eclipse or IntelliJ installed

Dependency List:

  1. Java 11
  2. Maven – 3.8.1
  3. Serenity – 3.2.0
  4. Serenity JUnit5 – 3.2.0
  5. JUnit5 – 5.8.0
  6. Maven Surefire Plugin – 3.0.0-M5
  7. Maven Failsafe Plugin – 3.0.0-M5
  8. Maven Compiler Plugin – 3.8.1

Structure of Project

Implementation Steps

Step 1 – Update Properties section in Maven pom.xml


Step 2 – Add Serenity and JUnit dependencies to POM.xml

        <!-- JUNIT 5 DEPENDENCY-->

Step 3 – Update Build Section of pom.xml


Step 4 – Create the Test Class sunder src/test/java folder


import net.serenitybdd.core.Serenity;
import net.serenitybdd.junit5.SerenityJUnit5Extension;
import net.thucydides.core.annotations.Managed;
import net.thucydides.core.annotations.Steps;
import net.thucydides.core.annotations.Title;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

 class ApplicationLoginJUnit5Tests {

        WebDriver driver;

        NavigateAction navigateAction;

        StepLoginPage loginPage;

        StepDashBoardPage dashboardPage;

        StepForgotPasswordPage forgetPasswordPage;

        @Title("Login to application with valid credentials navigates to DashBoard page")

         void successfulLogin() {


            // When

            // Then
            Serenity.reportThat("Passing valid credentials navigates to DashBoard page",
                    () -> assertThat(dashboardPage.getHeading()).isEqualToIgnoringCase("DashBoard"));

        @Title("Login to application with invalid credential generates error message")
         void unsuccessfulLogin() {


            // When

            // Then
            Serenity.reportThat("Passing invalid credentials generates error message",
                    () -> assertThat(loginPage.loginPageErrorMessage()).isEqualToIgnoringCase("Invalid credentials"));

        @Title("Verify Forgot your password link")
          void clickForgetPasswordLink() {

            // Given

            // When

            // Then
            Serenity.reportThat("Open Forget Password Page after clicking forget password link",
                    () -> assertThat(forgetPasswordPage.getHeadingForgetPasswordPage())
                            .isEqualToIgnoringCase("Forgot Your Password?"));

To run a JUnit5 test with Serenity BDD, simply add the annotation @net.serenitybdd.junit5.SerenityTest (instead of @org.junit.runner.RunWith(net.serenitybdd.junit.runners.SerenityRunner.class) for JUnit4.


@Test is imported from package:-

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;


public class StepDashBoardPage extends PageObject {

    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='content']/div/div[1]/h1")
    WebElementFacade dashboardPageTitle;

    @Step("Heading of DashBoard Page")
    public String getHeading() {
        return dashboardPageTitle.getText();



public class StepForgotPasswordPage extends PageObject {

    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='content']/div[1]/div[2]/h1")
    WebElementFacade forgetLink;

    @Step("Verify Forget Password Page ")
    public String getHeadingForgetPasswordPage() {

        return forgetLink.getText();


public class StepLoginPage extends PageObject {

    @FindBy(name = "txtUsername")
    WebElementFacade username;

    @FindBy(name = "txtPassword")
    WebElementFacade txtPassword;

    @FindBy(name = "Submit")
    WebElementFacade submitButton;

    @FindBy(id = "spanMessage")
    WebElementFacade errorMessage;

    @FindBy(xpath = "//*[@id='forgotPasswordLink']/a")
    WebElementFacade forgotPasswordLinkText;

    @Step("Enter Username")
    public void inputUserName(String userName) {

    @Step("Enter Password")
    public void inputPassword(String passWord) {

    @Step("Click Submit Button")
    public void clickLogin() {

    @Step("Error Message on unsuccessful login")
    public String loginPageErrorMessage() {
        return errorMessage.getText();

    @Step("Click Forget Password Link")
    public void clickForgetPasswordLink() {

The WebElementFacade class contains a convenient fluent API for dealing with web elements, providing some commonly-used extra features that are not provided out-of-the-box by the WebDriver API. WebElementFacades are largely interchangeable with WebElements: you just declare a variable of type WebElementFacade instead of type WebElement

The @Steps annotation marks a Serenity step library.
Create the test following the Given/When/Then pattern and using step methods from the step library.
The @Title annotation lets you provide your own title for this test in the test reports. Serenity @Title is considered for the Serenity report. Consistently with Junit4, the @Title annotation does not influence the name in the Junit report.

The JUnit Serenity integration provides some special support for Serenity Page Objects. In particular, Serenity will automatically instantiate any PageObject fields in your JUnit test.

Junit5 @Disabled annotation can be used on test and step methods(same as @Ignore in JUnit4).

import net.serenitybdd.annotations.Step;
import net.serenitybdd.core.steps.UIInteractionSteps;

public class NavigateAction extends UIInteractionSteps {

    public void toTheHomePage() {
        System.out.println("Open webpage");

Step 5 – Create serenity.conf file under src/test/resources

serenity.conf file is used to specify various features like the type of web driver used, various test environments, run tests in headless mode, and many more options.

webdriver {
  driver = chrome

headless.mode = true

# Chrome options can be defined using the chrome.switches property
chrome.switches = """--start-maximized;--test-type;--no-sandbox;--ignore-certificate-errors;

pages {
  loginForm = "https://opensource-demo.orangehrmlive.com/"

Step 6 – Create serenity.properties file at the root of the project

serenity.project.name = Serenity and JUnit5 Demo

Step 7 – Run the tests through the command line

Execute the tests through the command line by using the below command

mvn clean verify

The output of the above test execution is

Step 8 – Serenity Report Generation

The path of Serenity’s reports is mentioned in the image. The reports are generated under /target/site/serenity/.


The detailed steps of the tests can also be viewed in the Serenity Report. It shows the execution time of all the steps in a Test.


We are done! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

Additional Tutorials:

 Serenity BDD with Cucumber for Web Application
Serenity BDD with Cucumber for SpringBoot Application
Serenity BDD with Cucumber and Rest Assured
Testing of SpringBoot REST Application using Rest Assured for GET Method
Serenity Report for Web Application with Cucumber6 and Junit
How to manage screenshots in Serenity Report

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