How to create JSON Array Request Body – org.json

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In the last tutorial, I explained How to test POST JSON Object request using Java Map in Rest Assured. In this tutorial, I will create a request body using JSON Array in Rest Assured. This request body can be used for POST or PUT operations.

Table of Contents

  1. What is JSONArray?
  2. How to create JSONArray Request Body or payload?
  3. Complex JSON Array

What is JSONArray?

JSONArray represents an immutable JSON array (an ordered sequence of zero or more values). It also provides an unmodifiable list view of the values in the array.

  1. JSON array can store multiple value types. The values in a JSONArray can be of the following types: JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonString, JsonNumber, JsonValue.TRUE, JsonValue.FALSE, and JsonValue.NULL.
  2. The array index begins with 0.
  3. The square brackets [ ] are used to declare the JSON array.

An API may accept a JSON Array payload as a request body. Imagine, we want to add employee details of more than one employee in the below example. In this case, we can pass multiple JSON objects within a JSON array. I have explained 2 ways to create JSON Object – map or JsonObject. Refer to any one of the tutorials to get to know about the creation of JSON Object.

To create a JSON Array, we need to add org.json Maven dependency, as shown below. The latest version can be found here.


JSONObject is imported from the package:

import org.json.JSONObject;

JSONArray is imported from the package:

import org.json.JSONArray;

Below is an example of JSONArray.

How to create JSONArray Request Body or payload?

  1. Create a JSON Object and add the first employee details.
  2. Create another JSON Object and add second guest details.
  3. Create a JSONArray.
  4. Add both JSON Objects to JSONArray.

Below is an example of creating a request from JSONArray with multiple JSON Objects.  I am using a logger just to print the JSON body in the Console. 

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.http.ContentType;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;

public class Json_Demo {

    public void passBodyAsJsonArrayDemo() {

        // JSON Object for first employee
        JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject();

        data1.put("employee_name", "ObjectTest");
        data1.put("profile_image", "test1.png");
        data1.put("employee_age", "30");
        data1.put("employee_salary", "11111");

        // JSON Object for second employee
        JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject();

        data2.put("employee_name", "MapTest");
        data2.put("profile_image", "test2.png");
        data2.put("employee_age", "20");
        data2.put("employee_salary", "99999");

        // Creating JSON array to add both JSON objects
        JSONArray array = new JSONArray();

        // Send the request


                .body("message", equalTo("Successfully! Record has been added."))

The output of the above program is

Complex JSON Array

Let us see an example of a complex JSON Array.

    "employee1": [
        "firstname": "Tom",
        "salary": 720000,
        "age": 59,
        "lastname": "Mathew"
    "employee2": [
        "firstname": "Perry",
        "salary": 365000,
        "age": 32,
        "lastname": "David"

The above JSON Array can be created as

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Test;

public class Json_Demo {

    public void passBodyAsJsonArray() {

        // JSON Object for first employee
        JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject();

        data1.put("firstname", "Tom");
        data1.put("lastname", "Mathew");
        data1.put("age", 59);
        data1.put("salary", 720000);

        // JSON Object for second employee
        JSONObject data2 = new JSONObject();

        data2.put("firstname", "Perry");
        data2.put("lastname", "David");
        data2.put("age", 32);
        data1.put("salary", 365000);

        // Creating first JSON array
        JSONArray array1 = new JSONArray();

        // Creating second JSON array
        JSONArray array2 = new JSONArray();

        // Create JSON Object to add both JSONArrays
        JSONObject data3 = new JSONObject();
        data3.put("employee1", array1);
        data3.put("employee2", array2);



Similarly, there is another way to create this JSON Structure.

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Test;

public class Json_Demo {

    public void passBodyAsJsonArray1() {

        // Creating JSON array to add first JSON object
        JSONArray array1 = new JSONArray();
        array1.put(new JSONObject().put("firstname", "Tom").put("lastname", "Mathew").put("age", 59).put("salary",

        // Creating JSON array
        JSONArray array2 = new JSONArray();
        array2.put(new JSONObject().put("firstname", "Perry").put("lastname", "David").put("age", 32).put("salary",

        // Create JSON Object to add JSONArrays
        JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject();
        data1.put("employee1", array1);
        data1.put("employee2", array2);



The output of the above program is

Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!! Cheers!!

8 thoughts on “How to create JSON Array Request Body – org.json

  1. I want to POST an array in an Object like this is my baseURI: http://localhost:3000/FamousPersonalities
    and below is the JSON
    “Males”: [
    “firstname”: “Tom”,
    “lastname”: “Cruise”,
    “age”: 59
    “FeMales”: [
    “firstname”: “Lata”,
    “lastname”: “Mangeshkar”,
    “age”: 92

    How can I navigate to “Males” array through baseURI what should be the path so that I can add an object in it. Please suggest and guide me.


    1. Hi Rama.. if you are looking to create the JSON body as shown in the above msg, you can try this

      JSONArray array1 = new JSONArray();
      array1.put(new JSONObject().put(“firstname”, “Tom”).put(“lastname”, “Cruise”).put(“age”, 59));

      // Creating JSON array to add second JSON object
      JSONArray array2 = new JSONArray();
      array2.put(new JSONObject().put(“firstname”, “Lata”).put(“lastname”, “Mangeshkar”).put(“age”, 92));

      // Create JSON Object to add JSONArrays
      JSONObject data1 = new JSONObject();
      data1.put(“males”, array1);
      data1.put(“females”, array2);



  2. I want to POST an array in an Object like

    “paymentUnitDetails”: [
    “breakdownPrice”: [
    “key”: “hotel_1_night_1_room”,
    “type”: “string”,
    “value”: 194578.0
    “cashback”: 0,
    “cashbackTIX”: 0,
    “createdDate”: “2023-01-13T11:41:04.492Z”,
    “currency”: “IDR”,
    “orderName”: “Shakti Hotel Jakarta”,
    “orderNameDetail”: “string”,
    “productType”: “TIXHOTEL”,
    “referenceDetailId”: 1200070925,
    “totalPrice”: 177876.0
    “secretKey”: “string”


  3. serviceSetupId”: “{{servicesetup_id}}“,

      “vendorPlatform”: “abc”,

      “entityRef”: {

        “entityId”: “urn:elli:eeee:34554545:loan:{{loan_id}}“,

        “entityType”: “urn:elli:eeee:loan”


      “scope”: {

        “entityRef”: {

          “entityId”: “urn:elli:eeee:34554545:loan:{{loan_id}}“,

          “entityType”: “urn:elli:eeee:loan”


        “orderServiceFor”: “LOAN”


      “type”: “MANUAL”,

      “reason”: “Manual Flow EPC2”,

      “request”: {

        “type”: “Qualified Fee Quote”,

        “options”: {

          “requesttype”: “automation”,

          “autorenew”: true,

          “overrideloanpurpose”: true


        “resources”: []



    can please how can we put this in request body of post method using array concept


    1. You can create the request body without array as shown below:

      package com.example.gson;
      import org.json.JSONArray;
      import org.json.JSONObject;

      public class ComplexJson {

      public static void main(String[] args) {

      JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();

      JSONObject entityRef = new JSONObject();
      entityRef.put(“entityId”, “urn:elli:eeee:34554545:loan:{{loan_id}}”);
      entityRef.put(“entityType”, “urn:elli:eeee:loan”);

      JSONObject scope = new JSONObject();
      scope.put(“entityRef”, entityRef);
      scope.put(“orderServiceFor”, “LOAN”);

      JSONObject options = new JSONObject();
      options.put(“requesttype”, “automation”);
      options.put(“autorenew”, true);
      options.put(“overrideloanpurpose”, true);

      JSONObject request = new JSONObject();
      request.put(“type”, “Qualified Fee Quote”);
      request.put(“options”, options);
      request.put(“resources”, new JSONArray());

      jsonObject.put(“serviceSetupId”, “{{servicesetup_id}}”);
      jsonObject.put(“vendorPlatform”, “abc”);
      jsonObject.put(“entityRef”, entityRef);
      jsonObject.put(“scope”, scope);
      jsonObject.put(“type”, “MANUAL”);
      jsonObject.put(“reason”, “Manual Flow EPC2”);
      jsonObject.put(“request”, request);



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