How to use Drag and Drop in Robot Framework?


In this tutorial, we will discuss in detail how we can perform Drag and Drop actions in Robot Framework.


  1. Install Python
  2. Install PIP
  3. Install Robot Framework
  4. Install Robot framework Selenium Library
  5. Install PyCharm IDE

Please refer to this tutorial to install Robot Framework – How to install and setup Robot Framework for Python.

Implementation Steps:

Step 1.1 – Open PyCharm and create a new project. Go to File and select New Project from the main menu.

Step 1.2 – Choose the project location. Click the “Browse” button next to the Location field and specify the directory for your project.

Deselect the Create a welcome script checkbox because you will create a new Python file for this tutorial.

Click on the “Create” Button.

Step 1.3 – A new dialog appears asking to open the project using any one of the given options. I have selected New Window as I like to have separate windows for each project.

Below is the image of the new project created in PyCharms.

Step 2 – Create a new directory in the new project

Right-Click on the project, select New->Directory, and provide the name as Tests

Below is the image of the new directory.

Right-click on the new directory, select New File and provide the name as Drag_And_Drop_Demo.robot as shown below:

Step 3 – Download ChromeBinaries from the below location

The tests are going to use the Chrome browser, so we need to download the ChromeBinaries to open a blank browser in Chrome.

The chromedriver and geckodriver are placed in a folder named drivers in the RobotFramework_Demo project. I have renamed chromedriver to Chrome and geckodriver to Firefox.

Step 4 – Automate the drag and drop option

We are now going to write test cases. The test case details will be as follows −

  • Open the Browser with the URL
  • Verify element Text before drag
  • Drag the element and drop
  • Verify element Text after drag

To work with the Radio Button, we need a locator. A locator is an identifier for the textbox like id, name, class, xpath, css selector, etc.

To know more about locators, refer to these Selenium Tutorials:

 Locators in Selenium – Locate by ID, ClassName,  Name, TagName,  LinkText, PartialLinkText

Dynamic XPath  in Selenium WebDriver

CSS Selector in Selenium WebDriver

The below page shows that we have multiple DropDown options.

Let us inspect the locator of the drag and drop option.

Below is an example of a drag and drop option.

*** Settings ***
Documentation    To drag the box
Library     SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Verify that the user can drag and drop elements
    [documentation]  This test case verifies that a user can drag and drop an element from source to destination
    Open the Browser with URL
    Verify element Text before drag
    Drag the element and drop
    Verify element Text after drag

*** Keywords ***
Open the Browser with URL
    Create Webdriver    Chrome  executable_path=/Vibha_Personal/RobotFramework_Demo/drivers/Chrome
    Go To
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Verify element Text before drag
    Element Text Should Be      id:droppable  Drop here  timeout=5  #Before Drag and Drop

Drag the element and drop
    Drag And Drop   id:draggable   id:droppable

Verify element Text after drag
    Element Text Should Be  id:droppable  Dropped!  timeout=5  #After Drag and Drop

All the below-mentioned keywords are derived from SeleniumLibrary except the last one. The functionality of keywords mentioned above:

1. Create Webdriver − The keyword creates an instance of Selenium WebDriver.

2. Go To – This keyword navigates the current browser window to the provided URL –

3. Maximize Browser Window – This keyword maximizes the current browser window.

4. Set Selenium Implicit Wait – This keyword sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium.

5. Element Text Should Be – This keyword is used to verify that the current page contains the exact text identified by the locator.

6. Drag And Drop – Drags the element identified by the locator into the target element. 

These keywords are present in SeleniumLibrary. To know more about these keywords, please refer to this document –



Step 5 – Automate the Drag and Drop by Offset option

Drag And Drop By Offset – Drags the element identified with the locator by xoffset/yoffset.

*** Settings ***
Documentation    To drag the box
Library     SeleniumLibrary
Test Teardown    Close Browser

*** Test Cases ***

Verify that the user can drag and drop element by offset
    [documentation]  This test case verifies that a user can drag and drop an element by offset
    Open the Browser with URL
    Verify element Text before drag
    Drag the element and drop locator by xoffset/yoffset
    Verify no change in Text

*** Keywords ***
Open the Browser with URL
    Create Webdriver    Chrome  executable_path=/Vibha_Personal/RobotFramework_Demo/drivers/Chrome
    Go To
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Implicit Wait    5

Verify element Text before drag
    Element Text Should Be      id:droppable  Drop here  timeout=5  #Before Drag and Drop

Drag the element and drop locator by xoffset/yoffset
     Drag And Drop By Offset  id:draggable  50  70

Verify no change in Text
     Element Text Should Be  id:droppable  Drop here  timeout=5  #After Drag and Drop



Step 6 – Execute the tests

We need the below command to run the Robot Framework script.

 robot Drag_Drop_Demo.robot

The output of the above program is

Step 7 – View Report and Log

We have the test case passed. The Robot Framework generates log.html, output.xml, and report.html by default.

Let us now see the report and log details.


Right-click on report.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome (any browser of your wish).

The Report generated by the framework is shown below:


Robot Framework has multiple log levels that control what is shown in the automatically generated log file. The default Robot Framework log level is INFO.

Right-click on log.html. Select Open In->Browser->Chrome (any browser of your wish).

That’s it! Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!!

How to set variable values from Runtime command in Robot Framework
Page Object Model in Robot Framework with Selenium and Python
Parallel Testing in Robot Framework
How to run headless tests in Robot Framework 
Integration of Allure Report with Robot Framework 

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