What is Allure Report?


Allure Framework is a flexible lightweight multi-language test report tool that not only shows a very concise representation of what has been tested in a neat web report form but allows everyone participating in the development process to extract the maximum useful information from the everyday execution of tests.

How Allure Report is generated?

Allure is based on standard xUnit results output but adds some supplementary data. Any report is generated in two steps. During test execution (first step), a small library called adapter attached to the testing framework saves information about executed tests to XML files. We already provide adapters for popular Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, Scala, and C# test frameworks. During report generation (second step), the XML files are transformed into an HTML report. This can be done with a command line tool, a plugin for CI, or a build tool.

Similarly, when we run our tests, every popular test framework generates junit-style XML report or testng style which will be used by Allure to generate HTML report.

In the below example, we use the maven surefire plugin which automatically generates xml test reports and stores them in target/surefire-reports. And these XML files are transformed into an HTML report by Allure.

Allure reports have provided adapters for Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, Scala, and C# test frameworks.

Allure report has the below-mentioned annotation.


We can add Epic, Feature, and Stories annotations to the test to describe the behaviour of the test.

@Severity(SeverityLevel.BLOCKER)@Severity annotation is used in order to prioritize test methods by severity.

@Description(“Regression Testing”) – We can add a detailed description for each test method. To add such a description, use the @Description annotation.

@Step – In order to define steps in Java code, you need to annotate the respective methods with @Step annotation. When not specified, the step name is equal to the annotated method name.

@Attachment – An attachment in Java code is simply a method annotated with @Attachment that returns either a String or byte[], which should be added to the report.

@Link – We can link the tests to Defect Tracker or JIRA Ticket.

Below is an example that shows how to use various Allure Annotations in the Test.

@Epic("Web Application Regression Testing")
@Feature("Login Page Tests")
public class LoginTests extends BaseTest {

	LoginPage objLogin;
	DashboardPage objDashboardPage;

	@Test(priority = 0, description = "Verify Login Page")
	@Description("Test Description : Verify the title of Login Page")
	@Story("Title of Login Page")
	public void verifyLoginPage() {

		// Create Login Page object
		objLogin = new LoginPage(driver);

		// Verify login page text

Install Allure

For Windows, Allure is available from the Scoop command line installer.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser

Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')

To install Allure, download and install Scoop, and then execute in the Powershell:

scoop install allure

I have Allure installed, so I’m getting a message – ‘allure’ (2.14.0) is already installed.

To check if you have Allure installed or not, please use the below command in the command line or PowerShell.

allure --version

Sample Allure Report

You can find more information on Allure documentation.

Additional Tutorials on Allure Reports

Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!! 

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