Integration of GitHub with Jenkins

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The previous tutorial has explained how to install it onto a Windows 10 system and create a Maven or Gradle project in Jenkins. Jenkins and GitHub are two powerful tools on their own, but what about using them together? In this tutorial, learn about the benefits of a Jenkins GitHub integration and how to set up the integration on your own.

What is GitHub?

GitHub is a web-based version control system and collaboration platform for developers. It is the center around which all things involving git revolve. GitHub allows software developers and engineers to create remote, public-facing repositories on the cloud for free. Once you’ve set up a repository on GitHub, you can copy it to your device, add and modify files locally, then “push” your changes back to the repository where your changes display for the public.

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is a well-known open-source tool that aids in the implementation of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment/Continuous Delivery (CD) processes by automating parts of the software development pipeline such as building, testing, and deployment.

Jenkins Version Used – 2.361.2

In this version of Jenkins, Git Plugin is already installed. If the Git Plugin is not installed, then follow the below steps to add Git Plugin in Jenkins.

Step 1: Open your dashboard

Click on the Manage Jenkins button on your Jenkins dashboard:

Step 2: Select Manage Plugins

Click on the Manage Jenkins. Choose Manage Plugins.

Step 3:  Add Git Plugin

On the Plugins Page, go to the Available option.

  1. Select the GIT Plugin
  2. Click on Install without restart. The plugin will take a few moments to finish downloading depending on your internet connection, and will be installed automatically.
  3. You can also select the option Download now and Install after the restart button. In which plugin is installed after the restart
  4. You will be shown a “No updates available” message if you already have the Git plugin installed.

In my case, Git Plugin is already installed, so you can’t see it in the Available Plugin.

Step 4: Verify Git Plugin is installed

Once the plugins have been installed,
Go to Manage Jenkins on your Jenkins dashboard. You will see your plugins listed among the rest.

How to Integrate Jenkins With GitHub

Step 1: Create a new project using the Maven project plugin

  1. Give the Name of the project.
  2. Click on the Maven project. 
  3. Click on the OK button.

In the General section, enter the project description in the Description box.

Click on create new jobs.

Enter the item name, select the job type, and click OK. We shall create a Maven project as an example.

Step 2: Describe the project in the description section

In the General section, enter the project description in the Description box.

Step 3 – Source Code Management section

You will see a Git option under Source Code Management if your Git plugin has been installed in Jenkins.

Enter the Git repository URL to pull the code from GitHub. Enter the credentials to log in to GitHub.

I have already set up the credentials to log in to GitHub. For first-time users, click on the Add button and select Jenkins.

Add the username and password used to log in to GitHub. Click on the “Add” button.

Note:- Please make sure that Git is installed on your local machine. To install Git on your local machine, go to this tutorial – How to install Git on Windows 10.

Step 4: Build Management

Go to the Build section of the new job.

  1. In the Root POM textbox, enter pom.xml
  2. In the Goals and Options section, enter “clean test

Step 5: Select “Publish TestNG Results” from “Post Build Actions”

Scroll down to “Post Build Actions” and click on the “Add Post Build Actions” drop-down list. Select “Publish TestNG Results“. In my case, the project is set up to generate TestNG Report, so I have selected TestNG. But if your project uses any other reporting option, please select that from the dropdown.

Enter TestNG XML Report Pattern as “**target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml” and click on the “Apply” and “Save” button.

We have created a new project GitHub_Demo” with the configuration to run TestNG Tests and also to generate TestNG Reports after execution using Jenkins.

Step 6: Execute the tests

Let’s execute it now by clicking on the “Build Now” button. 

Right-click on Build Number (here in my case it is #1) and click on Console Output to see the result.

Below is the screenshot of the Console Output. It displays all the information regarding the execution of the tests.

Step 7: View the TestNG Report

Once the execution is completed, we could see a link to view “TestNG Results“.

Click on the TestNG Results. It displays the summary of the tests.

This way, we could integrate GitHub in Jenkins.

Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!! Cheers!!

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