How to run Serenity tests with GitHub Actions

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This tutorial explains the steps to create a GitHub Action for the Serenity tests and execute the tests in that workflow.

Table of Contents

Why GitHub?

The flexible aspects of Selenium WebDrivers and GitHub Actions enable users to create powerful, fast, and efficient automated testing workflows in CI/CD environments.

CI/CD pipelines have contributed to the success of the DevOps cycle in all software development projects. This is a holistic process that bridges development and operations. Continuous integration helps development teams deploy code efficiently, and continuous delivery automates code deployment.

Important points

1. The Serenity Web tests need to run in the headless mode. As we are using Chrome browser, use the below code in the serenity.config:

          headless.mode = true

2. Install Chrome browser in ubuntu. Use the below code:

    - uses: browser-actions/setup-chrome@latest
    - run: chrome --version

Implementation Steps

Step 1 – Create GitHub Actions and Workflows

I have a repository available in GitHub – Serenity_Cucumber-JUnit5 as shown in the below image. Go to the “Actions” tab.  Click on the “Actions” tab.

Step 2 – Select the type of Actions

You will see that GitHub recommends Actions depending on the project. In our case, it is recommending actions suitable for a Java project. I have selected the “Java with Maven” option as my project is built in Maven.

Step 3 – Generation of Sample pipeline

If you choose an existing option, it will automatically generate a .yaml for the project as shown below.

We will replace the current workflow with the following yml file as shown below:

name: Serenity Tests in GitHub
    branches: [ "main" ]
    branches: [ "main" ]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - name: Set up JDK 17
      uses: actions/setup-java@v4
        java-version: '17'
        distribution: 'temurin'
        cache: maven

    - uses: browser-actions/setup-chrome@latest
    - run: chrome --version
    - name: Build with Maven
      run: mvn clean verify
    - name: Test Report Generation
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
      if: success() || failure()
          name: Serenity Report                 # Name of the folder
          path: target/site/serenity/           # Path to test results

Step 4 – Commit the changes

After the changes, hit the “Start Commit” button.

This will give the option to add a description for the commit. It will also enable the user to commit either to the main branch or commit to any other branch that exists in the project. Click on the “Commit new file” button to set up the workflow file.

Step 5 – Verify that the workflow is running

Next, head over to the “Actions” tab, and you will see your YAML workflow file present under the tab. The yellow sign represents that the job is in the queue.

In Progress – When the job starts building and running, you will see the status change from “Queued” to “in progress”.

Passed – If the build is successful, you will see a green tick mark. 

Click on the workflow and the below screen is displayed. It shows the status of the run of the workflow, the total time taken to run the workflow, and the name of the .yml file.

Below shows all the steps of the workflow.

To know more about Chrome installation, please refer to this tutorial – browser-actions/setup-chrome.

The complete code can be found here on GitHub – vibssingh/Serenity_Cucumber_JUnit5.

Congratulations! We just created our CI workflow for running our Serenity test cases.

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